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About Master.D

  • Birthday 03/23/1968

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    Played Gaming Multiplay Call of Duty2 Call of Duty4 Calll of Duty:Word at War server rulez have !!
  • Location
    Slovenia | Evropa

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    *Slovenia Black Panthers Clan*
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 2
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Why and why my profile and the server that I have streming ???** Access Denied ** Account 2945 is suspended. Please contact a PBBans admin for further assistance. How do I contact if I have it all blocked me what is going on is not clear to me?
  2. This server : =]D9[= Clan -- Hardcore * Ranked * Recruiting Cod4!!!!NO GLITCHING!!! Server IP I have a problem: I was playing with my friends on an cracked server of CoD4, becouse they dont have the original game. I got an UAV, and i have killed some of the D9 players (adims). I must made them angry, so they kick me for 2minutes for "wallhack". After 2 minutes i rejoined the game, and i ask them why i were kicked. They banned me now for 200000.....00000 minutes. [22:41] Hydro: I hope you will help me with this noobs. becouse, Im not the only one with this problem. They banned some other players for cheating, but i dont have screen shots. I hope you will ban that kind of noobish home server.
  3. This server: http://www.anarchic-x.com/cod4master/cod4_server_audit.php Your server is not listed on the Activision master server list. If you recently patched, you may need to take your server offline for 10-20 minutes. Make sure your server can communicate with the master server.
  4. This server:CRO Delirium Tremens v1.7 (HC-SD) Public server Server IP How should be the responseof this command pb_cvarval authservername in the game console.(cod4master.activision.com.) Is this the right respond, here is the photo : PunkBuster Client: SV_CVAR authservername =Frozenkiller_rulez.com ???
  5. RodeBob, the thing is: these server is public and instead of removing the dead silence perk so the player couldent use it admin kicks players who are using that perk. Server Name{*HK*} Fun Server Server IP Plisse server warring admis servera!!
  6. {*HK*} Fun Server Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer StatsLaunch Server Query Status Server Name{*HK*} Fun Server Server IP Server Ping55 Server Infomp_backlot (11/12) Game TypeSearch & Destroy Hide Raw Server Info _admin = {*HK*}K.O.B.M.M _location = Germany _website = www.heidtec.de g_compassshowenemies = 0 g_gametype = sd gamename = Call of Duty 4 hostport = 29960 mapname = mp_backlot mod = 0 numplayers = 11 player_0 = Lucky Luke player_1 = sKill3r player_10 = HK.To><!C'' player_2 = .:*Vendetta*:. player_3 = dEpp player_4 = ^1FloppY player_5 = MG-13|Hils player_6 = WooT? player_7 = opt!c | KOKA player_8 = [iS] Pille|z player_9 = =ZsT= jodeldihe protocol = 6 pswrd = 0 shortversion = 1.7 sv_allowanonymous = 0 sv_disableclientconsole = 0 sv_floodprotect = 1 sv_hostname = {*HK*} Fun Server sv_maxclients = 12 sv_maxping = 0 sv_maxrate = 20000 sv_minping = 0 sv_privateclients = 0 sv_punkbuster = 1 sv_pure = 1 sv_voice = 0 ui_maxclients = 32 Admin this server public play nope kicket normal mods cod4 baned because of this if or in play dead silence !! Plisse server banned and admins server banned! Thank you!
  7. Hack played multi hack WH aimbot play server nice punkbuster play.Call of duty 4 !! Servevr name:OBiNet CoD4 SD KIberelheto! Server #2 | OBiNet.hu Server IP Server Ping72 Server Infomp_strike (17/24) Game Type Search & Destroy4 Name play :Well, this hack will provide Wade --> Cless # Dvar Hack - Use any dvar you want (such as r_fog 0, or r_thirdperson 1) PB Cvar Scan Safe - Use any dvar (cvar) you want without PB kicking you! Clean PB Screenshots - Hacks will not show up on a PB Screenshot Multihack player Wade plisse bannned guid punkbuster and server.
  8. Plisse hellp org cd key !! Key use the every way when wont login writes me cd key use because of us only when reset computer knows how will get rid of !! Non stop reconneting is 4-2 ur !!What problem ?? Plisse hellp !!
  9. Hello this server warring pungbuster banned IP ???What Facesofwar*clan*Slovenija COD4 Server IP ScreenShots ; Server rulez !!
  10. Cracked server <3Every other folder Crash something more;ih !! Server IP i am glad to see pbbans is back up people like pbbans, the cheat police, punksbusted and other anti cheat organizations are a valuable part of multi player gaming and with out these people the gaming community would be ruined Thank god you got the site back up Pbbans server plisse !!
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