This server : =]D9[= Clan -- Hardcore * Ranked * Recruiting Cod4!!!!NO GLITCHING!!!
Server IP
I have a problem: I was playing with my friends on an cracked server of CoD4, becouse they dont have the original game. I got an UAV, and i have killed some of the D9 players (adims). I must made them angry, so they kick me for 2minutes for "wallhack". After 2 minutes i rejoined the game, and i ask them why i were kicked. They banned me now for 200000.....00000 minutes.
[22:41] Hydro: I hope you will help me with this noobs.
becouse, Im not the only one with this problem. They banned some other players for cheating, but i dont have screen shots. I hope you will ban that kind of noobish home server.