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*TNA* Exterminator

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Posts posted by *TNA* Exterminator

  1. Make sure you speak to a mangare at Paypal most likely the basic person isn't going to be able to do anything for you. You will probably have to fight with them. But its still money that you should have back. I am sure others are appealing to paypal as well about the company if it went under.

  2. i've heard from another user with them that he was selling his servers on Ebay how true i dont know. But even his website is offline now im just glad i hadnt just signed up to him!.


    But does any one if you can still try to get money back with PayPal when its 2 months later ?? but the contract was for 3 months ?? but wuth 3 servers


    Your best bet would be to call and speak to a manager at Paypal.

  3. Maydax what do you meen hashkeys are different. The hashkey is listed correctly with 32 digits in the downloadable file from pbbans - just like in the file, you use to backup the bf2cc.

    So it doesnt look like, the file is currently useable for bf2cc, but wouldnt it be possible to make a program for processing the downloadfile into something readable in bf2cc? (I have a friend who is currently looking into the programming part)


    1) And if the answer is yes - is it legal to issue bans based on pbbans official list of cheaters?


    2) Will this by any chance overwrite the currently banned players in bf2cc, or will it just add to the list?


    3) Will it cause problems in bf2cc, if you import a ban, which is already in the banlist?


    Just asking these questions, because bf2cc acts strange sometimes, and doesn

  4. Yea give us your guid and we will look into it.


    You can get your guid by typing pb_myguid in the console of the game as long as you are in an punkbuster enabled server. If you don't want to post your guid in the public you can pm it to me.

  5. Bob,


    sometimes its best to sit back for a while and play the cards in your life. ive always told my guys that real life should always take priority over gaming, the same applys to you my friend.


    on behalf of myself, [TBK], and Respected Admins; we wish you and your family the best. hopefully after things get settled you will find yourself happy with wherever life takes you.





    LOL I knew someone would post without reading the whole topic. Classic. :)

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