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*TNA* Exterminator

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Everything posted by *TNA* Exterminator

  1. I'm awaiting the person who isn't going to read before repling.
  2. Server has been transfered. You are gonna have to reactivate the hub connection and rename it.
  3. He needs to be removed from your roster and must not be apart of your clan period.
  4. Might be staying up till the end of their hostings billing period.
  5. All I have to say is thank you bob for all that you have done for the Anti-cheat community. Without you starting pbbans the strength of the anti-cheat community wouldn't be what it is today. From all at *TNA* we wish you and your family well.
  6. Might want to add the server to the account and get it streaming. So in the future we will have the logs. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  7. LOL all I could do is laugh at mine. "You are a foxy stompslut who loves to megaFUCK toilets."
  8. As long as PB is running on the server you can stream it to pbbans.
  9. I do not see why you need to drag this drama into another thread. Your issues could have very easily been handled via pms. Thread closed. Do not open another thread. Handle your issues via pm.
  10. As long as punkbuster is still running on your server your streaming shouldn't be effected. :)
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=81474 You will need to wait until the application is processed.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Go there and add the correct server IP port to your account. As long as the streaming commands are setup and once an admin approves the server your streaming should go active instantly.
  13. Pbbans doesn't ban IPs. We only ban PBGuids. If you are getting a message stating your IP/Subnet has been banned then your IP is somewhere on that servers banlist. It might not be in their CC banlist is might be in their pbbans.dat file which is the servers actual banlist file. I would have then check out that file just to make sure that your IP or subnet isn't on there. That file is found in the servers punkbuster directory. Along with the config files and stuff.
  14. Hello A good first step to help keep your server free of cheaters would be to sign your server up to stream to pbbans. Might want to check out the starters guide here. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html Also might want to check out the Hub Streaming Guide here. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html As for the black screenshots there is a number of different things that can cause that. Client server lag, Alt tabbing, Vista, Anti Aliasing can cause it. Also other things.
  15. Done Also do you have a new website or is the old one still valid?
  16. What team name and tag would you like. Also what is your current team account number? Also make sure your server is setup to stream. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  17. Evenbalance can take a few days to respond to you. Just keep that in mind. They get hundreds of tickets a day. It may take them a while to respond but they will respond.
  18. Your good to go now. Evidently your servers stopped streaming long enough for it to auto demote you from SGA. I updated it for you. One of your servers isn't showing as streaming by the way. One is one isn't. Data last received 1 day, 10 hours, 26 mins ago Enemy Territory Server is NOT streaming via HUB.
  19. Attention everyone. Do not I repeat Do not remove your server from your account manager thinking that removing and reading it will fix it. It will not. Once the hub is back online the servers should all start streaming again. If you remove and readd your server all you are doing is creating more work for the account managers. :)
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