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Everything posted by riley1

  1. riley1

    FH2 mod

    Have a quick ? can i stream a Forgotten Hope 2 server? If so just stream just like i would a reg BF2 server. I started reading the other threads just seen a few on project reality servers. The server is located at a virginia data center. Thanks
  2. Now i been reading that BF3 is going to be a port over from xbox360 if this is true the game will be a waste of time and money. http://bf3nation.com/2010/08/battlefield-3-is-being-ported-fffffuuuuuuuuuuuu-dice/
  3. If there is ded servers i will pay the 60 bucks for the game but if not i wont even buy it.
  4. I just wonder if any of the companys got any of Obamas stimulus money, im going to do a little research if they did im going to spam every congress men and sentor to tell them they need to support the PC community its worth a try. LOL
  5. This is what is on all checked on our servers. Accept MD5 Bans | Allow PAT Reloads | Allow Personal Greetings | Announce New Bans | Enable MD5 AutoUpdates External Bans Enforce EBL - Level 2
  6. Ok our servers show they are all streaming the problem is players with banned keys are still getting on the servers. Is pbbans having any type of problems with the streaming? Riley
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