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greenbean last won the day on May 25 2017

greenbean had the most liked content!


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    HackHunters is a new spot for those interested in stopping cheats. It is like a hub of information on all current and new AC efforts. Our goal is to not only help the beginner with AC services, but also make a case for not cheating in the first place by changing attitudes and allowing the ordinary gamer to get involved on the 'right side'. Check it out and support our effort.
  • Location
    New York City

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    Battlefield 4
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Unzipped and uploaded. This might be a security feature, preventing it from showing. We've got a wicked good IT guy, wOOdy, but he's busy these days. Give us a couple more days. Thanks MaydaX.
  2. hmm, didn't work. I may have the php file in the wrong place, maybe. We're working on it and will get back to you. Thanks
  3. <iframe width="400" height="400" style="border:none;" src="http://output79.rssinclude.com/output?type=iframe&id=542896&hash=1322f90abbe338c1ee1bad018b9afccb"></iframe> This is what worked before... thanks MaydaX nice to see you around.
  4. Hey Peeps, We had your PBBans ban feed running for many years on the HackHunters.com home page without issue, but now, with making our website secure, we lost the feed. (we placed the RSS Feed on the Home Page, side bar, is now a blank area) First, I don't know where to find the url for it on your site, perhaps the URL changed, and second adding a 's' after http in the URL we were using doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks and as always, the best...
  5. Happy Holidays to you and yours...Luv Sugar...

  6. hey AKrantz, thanks again for the app. I see you're not staff here but a streaming Admin. What about at PsB?

  7. glad you like the news... every person streaming to pbbans helps.

  8. Hello.. thats great to hear about the 6800 hits! WOOT..

  9. Just a little news from our forum, the topic in our Anti Cheat Directory for PBBans has received over 6800 hits since we launched 2 years ago. More than even the EvenBalance thread. In fact I believe it is one of the most popular topics on our entire site. Pretty cool, and obvious this would be the case. PBBans Thread at HH Thanks as always for the support and hope our directory has steered many lost souls into your light.
  10. Sup buddy ! Space is back in action ..... feeling much better . 80% .

  11. lol, funny cartoon last night darted a sniper who was shooting into our spwn... was funny watching him try to run away as I was locking on.
  12. Hey greenbean, just tryin to do my part. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Hey Capone1 aka Madman, thanks for applying to HackHunters! cya.

  14. Hey FSuNole, what's happening?

  15. add as friend, cya around Jarhead

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