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About DetlefDeeSost

  • Birthday 03/17/1986

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    Battlefield 2
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  1. :biglol: :biglol:
  2. Are you kidding me=?There were many false positives in the past by Punkbuster: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/mbi-news-f424.html
  3. 639 Bans for GAME HACK #81570 This is 99% a false positive, even iam scared to play because maybe i will be banned too for this false positive,and EB is ignoring it. Maybe a Windows Update,maybe some new driver update,or a program with a screenshot or stream function is causing it.Who knows. :crazy: :crazy:
  4. Iam still waiting for a key.....
  5. Well,at first i was a bit dissappointed because you gave up really fast after being for 1 day offline look @GGC they are under attack for 2 months now and they never said that they gonna close their doors.Good luck in the future.
  6. No you need to add the task: pb_sv_task 0 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 // Reset GUID relax
  7. Do you have this setting in your pbsv.cfg: pb_sv_task 0 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 // Reset GUID relax Because there is a bug in Cod4 where players can use a keygen, if you dont use this command.
  8. Puhhh only a joke :D.Nice you got me! ^_^ ^_^
  9. Congrats! Pbbans is just great, and i hope it will exist another 10 Years and more ;).
  10. Even if you stream to all streaming sites like PSB,GGC,PBBANS etc you will still get cheaters on your server when they have a clean guid.So you need active admins who are always online ;).
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  12. I dont know what we would do without Punkbuster.I bet it would be like in hell.Good Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Fixed
  14. Bei denen bringt ein Hash Ban nix die muss man dann schon mit der Pb Guid bannen sonst k
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