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Everything posted by skytox

  1. so it's seem 's normal ? ok thx for your explain have fun night <_<
  2. hello well i recently check my name on the pbban mbi user and i'm surprise to see that my name was associat at 7 cd key. i used 3 cdkey max : mine and sometime one of my soons and sometime one of my borther. So why there is 7 cd key (guid) with my name ???????? can someone or admin check that, and give me the ip or something (another name user) who use my name ?? I think there is a probleme somewhere (hack name spoofing or womething...) need i change my password for my name ? and how if it's possible Thank for your help. (id bf2 is same as my login here)
  3. yes it was, thanks for help have fun
  4. yes it cause before i install ppban we were not kicked from our own server ! and we can't remove the ASCII characters cause it's part of our tag. ==>
  5. hello i install all ppban since this afternoon the server is on and streamming graet tuto, great job BUT... all our clan is kick for 5 minutes cause our tag :==>
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