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Everything posted by PartyPooper
It's a hard one because while your friend didn't do anything underhanded by purchasing a mouse that just happened to have a macro'ing capability, when all things are said and done, it still provides one person with an marked advantage over another just like a hand coded macro would if it was used in the game. That said, macro use is generally not a banning offence - normally it's just a kick from the server if the player is caught using them. In all honesty, it would be impractical to ban all G15 users from multi-player servers and when you really get down to it, there's no such thing as a level playing field in PC games anyway because some players have better computers and graphics cards and some have faster internet connections just to name a few of the inequalities.
I actually like the quick knife option - hope they put it in. As for rush mode, two things I hope they get rid of when you go to arm/disarm the crate, the auto picking up of someone else's weapon and the ability to place C4 anywhere near the damn thing.
EA to Launch 'Origin' Digital Distribution Service
PartyPooper replied to MaydaX's topic in General Discussions
Looks to be a Steam rip-off (not that it's a bad thing given that the requirement for discs to be inserted in your CD\DVD drive to play games are so yesterday's technology...) -
Given that I read that there are over 160,000 subscribing cheaters to a particular FPS cheat product, legit players and server admins need all the help they can get to catch these cheating %@$tards. EB should make getting the PBSS facility working a priority especially given that BF3 is soon to come out. If they don't, they risk the PC version getting a bad reception from the gaming community when it becomes like Black Ops (now colloquially known as Hack Ops). I know I didn't buy it for that very reason. Unlike multi-player games of the past where cheaters were few and far between, these days, if I had to describe the most important factor in deciding whether or not to buy a game, it would be how easily cheats are detected and caught. It has my deciding vote.
Sorry, got to correct you there MaydaX.... "Now games cater to the life-challenged (read welfare) people who spend ALL day playing instead of looking for work." :)
Does it have semi-console access like BC2?
Voted Other because it has some good points and some God-awful ones. Good points: - Destructibility is great - Decent amount of unlocks - Decent game play - Good vehicles that aren't overpowered like they are in BFV/BF2/BF2142 Bad points: - What idiot thought white cursor on white background (snow maps) was a good idea.... there needs to be a way to adjust the colour of your cursor quickly to cater for various maps. - Very heavy (too heavy IMO) on computer resources (98% CPU for dual core) - Size of maps requires more transport vehicles (or have them spawn quicker). - Need a 5 sec spawn shield so you can get your bearings and avoid being spawn camped (which seems to be happening a lot these days) - Needs FULL console, not just send via text with no response - Needs a battlerecorder like BF2142 - Really bad hit rego at times - Helicopters need to take more damage from ground fire (small arms) - Under barrel grenades and RPG's don't explode on contact every time like they should - Helicopters can fly over out of bounds areas and if shot down and you bail, you can't get back in bounds in time. - Should be 3 rounds to kill rather than what seems to be a whole mag at times
Pity, it looks to be a decent game. I'm still running a P5 (dual core) with a HD 4850 and will continue to do so for several more years yet so unfortunately, they'll miss out on my $$.
My BC2 Server Finally Filled Up
PartyPooper replied to SuperTaz's topic in Battlefield Bad Company 2
Thanks MaydaX. I was aware of that but it doesn't hold true all the time for all games unfortunately. BTW, you may want to add a small note in there somewhere about the APPDATA folder being hidden and Win7/Vista users will need to "unhide' it first to use it (eg. Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 7 / Vista). Might save you from having to answer annoying questions :lol: -
My BC2 Server Finally Filled Up
PartyPooper replied to SuperTaz's topic in Battlefield Bad Company 2
Hmmm tried that but it didn't seem to work... maybe had the wrong directory (using Win 7 and Steam...). Will investigate it some more. On a better note, I adjusted my FOV slightly (from 55 to 65) and found the video lag reduced somewhat. Still there, but nowhere near as bad as it is with a FOV of 55. The downside of changing my FOV is that my accuracy seems to have dropped :scratchchin: -
My BC2 Server Finally Filled Up
PartyPooper replied to SuperTaz's topic in Battlefield Bad Company 2
Agreed. I found that even a dual core with a high end graphics card just doesn't cut it. Feels like a 100-200ms video lag as you move the mouse around the screen. I have to agree that the game play seems good and I do like all the graphics and destructible items, however, without a quad core, it's unplayable most of the time. As you say, only server admins can get the PBGUID which is unfortunate because they make up only a small percentage of total number of players. IMO, reporting to EA is a waste of effort for the most part and doesn't solve the immediate and serious problem of players (who make up the bulk of gamers) not being able to simply and effectively report suspected cheaters to either Even Balance or server admins without having to lag their game even further by proving evidence in the way of videos etc. I haven't yet played the Vietnam expansion but I'm hoping it will be better than BFV (graphics wise at least because we all know, BFV had the best and easiest game play of any of the Battlefield series). :D -
My BC2 Server Finally Filled Up
PartyPooper replied to SuperTaz's topic in Battlefield Bad Company 2
Finally got around to playing this game and all I can say is thank God I got it on a Steam special and didn't pay big $$ for it. It taxes even the most recent systems and graphics cards and I won't even mention the horrendous video lag even with VSync enabled... (anyone who has a pre-2010 computer, don't bother with this unless you like to run it in super low res mode and have graphics like BFV...). Not only that, but there's no console so there's no way of getting PB GUID and hence, no way of reporting cheaters. Can't vote off cheaters either. EA and Dice screwed the pooch on this one for sure. BF3 isn't looking promising given what they've done to this game.... -
Only if they are available on Steam (sick of scratched CD's/DVD's) and only when they are on special for $10
No probs but it still doesn't work after 60 seconds so I assume that it should say 60 mins perhaps?
Guys, I'm having a problem downloading the public ban lists. I can download America's Army but when I try to download America's Army 3 or any other one, I get a screen that simply states: "Flood Protection Activated - Flood threadhold exceded. Please try again after 60 seconds" I try again after 60 seconds and I still get the same screen. Is this a bug or is it a deliberate thing where you can only download one list a day or something?
Merry Christmas to all. Hope you all have a wonderful time.
That's so crap. Steam rips off people depending where they live. They have BC2 on sale in this region for $13.59 USD (66% discount).
So long as the server isn't running PB Restrictions 2, you can use GUIDTracker. It'll do pretty much what your after.
Wow, that sux. I'm not familiar with COD4 Rcon but is there an option to only allow Rcon from a certain IP range (eg. 120.64.*.*)?
Still $US69.99 in Australia
Sorry, I've been away for the last week. The reason you have to wait until the 'End Of Players List' line appears before closing the console window is due to the way some games process and write in the client log. Closing the console window before this line has been written to the log causes some games to stop writing to the client log (incomplete players list) and this causes GT to become stuck in a loop as it sits there waiting for this particular line to appear in the log (which it never will if the console window has been closed too soon). If the console window is not closing then one of two things are wrong - either the game uses a different key to close the console than it does to open it, or, the console window automatically gets closed by the game after issuing a PB command and GT is re-opening it by mistake thinking it's closing the window. Unfortunately, I cannot detect if the console window is open in a game (I would need to GT delved into DirectX to do this and that would most likely trigger a ban, so it's not something I'm willing to consider doing). As Maester said, you don't have to use the F12 hotkey - you can manually pull down the console, type in the required command (pb_plist) and then manually close the console after the entire players list has been written to the screen. GT will still work using this method. Also, I don't own all the games GT works with so I rely on people to tell me when something goes amiss because the unfortunate fact is that many games differ slightly in how they interact with the console and I made guesses in getting them to work in GT.
Help file is located under the Help menu option on the main GUIDTrackerV4 interface. F12 is used as the hotkey to automatically open the console window for you, type in the pb_plist command, wait until the End of Players line has been received, then close the console window and update the Online Players interface. Given it's present function, I'm not sure what you mean by "toggle the command"?
GT should always be started BEFORE the game (it's in the help file). What I meant by "does the F12 key always open the console for you?" is that when you press F12 in the game, it should automatically update the Online Players window. If it doesn't, then one of three things are wrong - either you didn't select the correct Punkbuster directory when using the PB Setup utility, the game window is not active or the F12 key hasn't been unbound in the game like it says to do in the Help File. Before I go modifying the code again, can you ensure me that the PB utility is pointing to the correct PB directory for COD4? Not sure what it is for x64, but for x86 it'll be something like "C:\Users\Mick\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\COD4\pb". Also, if you don't alt+tab out, does it work consistently? If it does, my guess is that when you alt+tab to work in the GT window, GT isn't detecting the game as being active when you alt+tab back again and so, it doesn't update. If this is the case (alt+tab issues) then I'll need to confirm that GT works fine without alt+tabbing.
Some more information would be handy like: - what version of GT are you using? - what OS are you using? - are you running multi-monitors (do you have to ALT TAB to view it)? - what game are you trying to use it in? - do you start GT before you start your game? - does the F12 key always open the console for you?
Pushed out a new update an hour ago. This one fixed a database download borking issue and I've also added an option to run GT at a lower priority process for those who are running lower-end systems and are getting heartbeat issues. I've also updated the PB Directory Finder utility (used to put into the PB Setup utility the correct PB directory locations).