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No probs, will do, thanks for the offer. At the moment V4 is still in early alpha stage and not ready to be offsite tested yet. When I get it to the beta stage, I'll give you a yell.
Yeah, they don't work in V3 (the version you've got) - they only work for the version (V4) I'm working on at the moment. Got FarCry2 working tonight as well. Found out ETQW doesn't store the PB log in the normal place so I'll drop that off the list for the time being. FFOW has me stumped - I can't find which key accesses the console.
Yeah, got COD4 working this afternoon. Took me ages to work out why I could open the console automatically but not close it. Wasn't until I realised COD had full and mini consoles :rolleyes: Thanks for the other info. Will add them today.
Just an update. I've been busy developing GUIDTrackerV4 over the last few weeks. I've rewritten the code from the ground up so that it's faster and will hopefully work with all flavours of Windows. It's also going to support a few more games. I was hoping to support all games currently in the PBSetup V3.4 utility but there are a couple that I know don't have access to the game console so I've marked them as Not Supported. If anyone knows of any other games in the list below that don't have console access, please let me know so I don't waste time trying to support them. "America's Army" "America's Army Version 3" "Battlefield 1942" "Battlefield 2" "Battlefield 2142" "Battlefield Heroes" (Not Supported) "Battlefield Vietnam" "Call of Duty" "Call of Duty 2" "Call of Duty 4" "Call of Duty: World at War" "Crysis" "Crysis Wars" "DOOM3" "Enemy Territory" "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars" "Far Cry 2" "F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate" (Not Supported) "Frontlines: Fuel of War" "Need for Speed: ProStreet" # "Need for Speed: Undercover" "PREY" "Quake 3 Arena" "Quake 4" "Rainbow Six 5: Vegas" "Rainbow Six 6: Vegas 2" "Wolfenstein" "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" "Soldier of Fortune II" Since I don't own all the above games myself, I need help with getting them working correctly in GUIDTrackerV4. What I need to know for each game is.... - what key do you press to activate the console (eg. Tilde (~) / CTRL+ALT+Tilde) ? - do you have to prefix console commands with a backslash (eg. \pb_plist) to get them to work ? - what is the game's executable (eg. Battlefield 2 = BF2.exe) ? The Battlefield series, ET and Doom3 I have covered so I'd appreciate anyone helping with what's left. TIA
Think of your GUID as your passport to the online gaming world and safe guard it accordingly because once it's been stolen or compromised, you need to get a new one. That means, only get games from reputable sources (never buy second hand online multiplayer games off eBay or anywhere else) , don't share online multiplayer games with your friends, don't download keygens (they are simply key stealers) and don't download cracked or leaked online multiplayer games. The reason you don't share online multiplayer games with your friends (or family) or download cracked/leaked ones is simply because mud sticks. Most anti-cheat sites keep detailed records of players, the games they play, their GUID's and their IP's. That means, if you've played with a leaked or cracked key, it'll show up in your record and you'll forever be under a cloud of suspicion (even if the key was yours originally and was stolen from you). If your friends borrow your online game, use your key and cheat in the game (or even cheat at some other time in a totally differnent game), your record will forever be linked to that of a cheater because of a shared key and you'll always be under a cloud of suspicion even if you never cheat yourself.
FYI, last I heard, Punkbuster was kicking players with an Unknown API Violation for those using either the TS or Ventrilo overlays.
To answer your question in simple terms, it's a tool for players, not admins. It's used while playing a game online so the user can instantly see who's aliasing. Unlike the alias tracker option in your MPi, it doesn't require any input from the user for this to happen. It doesn't share streamed db's, it has it's own database which is created by the people who use the program. However, it does incorporate some info from the PBBans and PsB public ban lists. This is used to give players a heads-up (audible and visual indication) when a cheater has joined the server. Hope that answers your questions.
Version 3 is out if anyone is interested. It's a single program now with downloadable databases for each supported game (no longer individual programs for each game). it's got a new, resizable interface that allows you to change font size as well. Moved most of the functions/options from the tray icon up to a menu bar. In any case, visit GUIDTracker website for more info. P.S. I'm hoping to include COD4 in the supported games soon.
Yeah, it's all down in the system tray icon, not on the main interface ;-) . I used to have a menu system in v1.0 but I got lazy and removed it for v2. I may have to put it back in if it's causing users problems finding stuff. Just noticed that this thread is in the BFV section which was fine for v1.0 but v2.0 is a multi-game version. Is it still OK for this thread to remain here or should it be moved?
Downtime is a problem faced by all online updated things, including PBBans. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that as my host can't promise a 100% uptime (but does claim a 99% one). If I ever decide to pull the plug on the project, I'll either hand it over or rewrite the code to simply update itself. I know what you are trying to get across but unfortunately GT doesn't work like that. Being a players tool (rather than an admins one), I deliberately set out to write a program that didn't use real time connections simply because I didn't want the tool to lag either the update server (which could have potentially have 1000's of simultaneous connections) or the players game. To do either would sound the death-knell for the program which is why it currently contains all it needs in a single exe.
COD4 is being worked on as we speak. Because it's a steam game it's slightly different in terms of commands and keystrokes etc so I have to take that into account and then have some time to test it. Before that, however, I have a few changes I need to make to the other programs to pull them into line with the COD4 one. That said, the next GT out the door will be COD4. As for SOF2.... maybe. I don't need to own the game I'm writing a GT for, but it helps. Currently I'm writing GT's for all the games I own - after that I'll work on ones I don't. When that happens I will need to pick the brains of people who own the game so it would help if you knew your way around the registry (or at least are capable of finding info in the registry).
Not exactly sure what you're asking? If you mean could I rewrite it to send updates to another site, the answer is technically yes, but I wouldn't. The reason has more to do with the database and updating it more than anything else. It would require alot of effort on my part to rewrite the code and personalise it to work for individual sites and in the end, it wouldn't accomplish what I initially set out to do. I started the GUIDTracker for Punkbuster Games project as a collaborative tool for players (rather than server admins) because I wanted something to use while playing and nothing at the time filled that niche. Part and parcel of its use is keeping the database up to date and the only way to do that is by a collaborative effort of all users. Splitting off personalised versions to work on other sites would go against that basic idea which is why I wouldn't be overly receptive to the idea (assuming that's what you meant in the first place :D )
It's similar, especially since he now includes ban lists like mine ;) Truth be told, I can write a GT for any game that supports PB if I have the required information.
Updated GUIDTracker to include a few more games and the ability to search the cheater lists.
+1 Glad you guys are back up and running.
Cool thanks.
I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm using your public ban list as an authoritative source of cheaters for my GUIDTracker program - PartyPooper Website. It's a manual thing - I download your list once a month and run a small program that compares collected GUIDs against those you've caught and then I publish a new GUID list in which those cheaters you've caught are highlighted by the program. If you have a problem with me using your list in this manner, let me know and I'll remove the PBB indication in the program. Cheers PP