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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. stats mean less than nothing here there are sites that care about that foolishness
  2. HSMagnet


    this is a 4 year old thread..... no need to raise them from the dead
  3. i think he is asking if there are /carriage returns/new lines/enter between the lines of info mine has none you do need to be sure the lines don't run together. it will stop reading after it gets to the first nick position on a line
  4. is it saving to your pbpower.dat? easy way is to FTP it. i still have a copy for my old S&D server.....
  5. for future reference, the forum id can be found in the url for the profile. yours is http://www.pbbans.com/forums/shadow2k1-m173295.html thus 173295 is the forum id
  6. oh snap! that must be on lake lanier!
  7. sorry, but we do not discuss such matters in open forum if you do gain SGA status, information such as you mentioned will be available to you
  8. holypoopsticks i thought that was a cod/mordernwarfare/blackops ad for 13.9/15 seconds
  9. as i understand it, new subs will be required MaydaX will have to give the definitive answer
  10. it has been freeze warning everyday here and flurries and tigers! oh my!
  11. well, a subscription is a donation i venture to say until the issue is resolved, subscriptions and individual donations will not go through
  12. why? these are displayed on the homepage this one is not on top. it will eventually drop off the homepage technically, you reviving this dead thread, updated it......
  13. it was supposed to be the same for all the games DICE released from BFBC2 on if i remember correctly it got changed due to a SNAFU and was reinstated on the last two
  14. locking this before some people end up losing the privilege to post here
  15. read that as " here is a cardboard cookie, please STFU "
  16. this is one old thread i don't mind being resurrected ;) thanks!
  17. 2 minute penalty for posting a link with gamestop in it.
  18. on sale @gamefly http://www.gamefly.com/Download-Battlefield-3/157840/
  19. what about the matchmaking powered by gamespy?
  20. is not on your team account ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Taclet (Taclet) Website: http://mgcclan.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=6670#6670 Account ID: 695 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) ---------- Server List ---------- BF3 - ---------- User List ---------- Taclet (109140) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations
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