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About DentalX*Qc*

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  • Interests
    Catching them all
  • Location
    Montreal, Canada

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    Call of Duty
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  1. This brings back memories, it actualy look like the old msn bug (that was never fixed if remember right),having a nvidia card and msn open did just that effect, back in the day (love to say that) , we used to close msn while playing sof2 , it didnt created lag tho and we could only see window frames and light fixture, much like those ss. No fix was available :(
  2. 2 months, no fix yet...cmon EB, do you job and fix it 716 Signatures Total
  3. Hi to you too :), i was a site staff for a while, i was reviewing accounts for approval and hunting them little hacks and helping add detection for you guys to have a safe gaming. Kinda working in the shadow, Jolt was working with pbbans at that time, i see you guys are still here, good to see that.
  4. thx bro
  5. Btw, i cant even send a little PM to old friends, them forum permission are a bit restrictive :(
  6. Sup Ace, well, like you can guess, its a girl story....if only i knew lol... Well, beside that, still playing music with friends, we are actualy doing something nice, truly unexpected. Im off from gaming a bit, played Bf2 a couple of times, yesterday had a pb issue, fix it in 2 sec but reminded me on how it was fun to be around. The shit aint perfect still!!!! but anyway, glad to ear from ya. Hi too to all the new faces(to me :) )
  7. Sup everyone, just saying hi, was thinking about you guys (having pb issue lol), i might have some free time on my hands once again, tought i might help in some way, been away from it all a while so im kinda off, but you know me :) who's still around???, Maydax, still your crafty self :) Anyway, ill stop by again, dont stop the good work
  8. De quel jeu on parle....tu peux essayer de réinstaller, en général, cette erreur est lier a un mauvais fonctionnement du jeu qui utilise des section de la mémoire qu'il n'est pas supposer d'utiliser, donc punkbuster kick pour cela. Il y a plein de raisons pour que cela arrive, mais la majorité du temp c'est soit parce que les fichier du jeu sont corrompu ou un programe externe interragit avec le jeu.
  9. nothing in what you wrote is illegal
  10. you can do that,but you can have 2 banlist aswell, the pbbans one Default one, and your own, just need to add the line for it to load in the server cfg When i had a sof2 server, at one point, i ran 3 diff list.
  11. Yeah that too :)
  12. When ass is taken, in the pb server logs, it enters the numercal ident of the ss aswell as its own digital signature, every file has a different one(considering we are talking about different files). For example, there are 2 different files calles gun.pk3, one is a skin and the other one a hack, even with the same name and extention, md5 will be different as the files are basicaly different I know since your not the admin, there is 0% chances to be sure exept if the server streamed to us
  13. Big welcome to Diva!
  14. @Dingo.......I think he disabled it cause it causes peeps to get disconnected for 'no packet flow' easy correctable using the update software provided at EB or do it manualy. @DukeBomBazz........Did you checked if your client version matches the one your suppose to have. I see you updated your server, but what about YOU, your game?
  15. The width of the ss depends on pb server settings and they can be set to whatever you want, depends on a lot of things,but that does not prove they were tempered with. SS are suppose to be in .png format and you can confirm with the logs to see if everything match....md5 checksum etc... Hope it helps
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