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Vesuvius last won the day on August 7 2011

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    Battlefield 2
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  1. TTS stream to another anti-cheat organisation based in Germany, I had a query regarding this player earlier today from one of our admins, he will be submitting it and this there. Regards vixsis
  2. The guy you are reporting already has one violation detected by evenbalance: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-9d6313b9-vb242682.html We have banned the player from our servers. But Anti-cheat organisations do not ban players with the type of evidence you have - sorry. Your best route to remove this player from servers is: a. Use the report player symbol in the players profile. b. Report the player with your evidence at http://getsatisfaction.com/battlefield3/login c. Send a PM to an EA moderator eg crazycanuck including evidence where he can forward and chase up the DICE/EA player review/banning system. http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/members/457532-crazycanuck.html
  3. There's a tool available from evenbalance which diagnosis punkbuster: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsvcfaq.php Regards vixsis
  4. DeA has been made effectively redundant by the latest patch for BF2142. The program no longer functions for most settings.
  5. Well everybody is right at least once in their lives, looks like it took you a lot longer than most.

  6. thank you for proving me right

  7. I can tell you from personal experience, that this bug can occur and still able to retain the ability to move normally around the map. Though I have not seen any similarly reported case. It took me a little while to realize the consequences of staying, I disconnected very quickly when it did eventually dawn on me. I was to busy sight seeing to take advantage of the situation. Yes, its true that in the vast majority of cases, that I am aware of, you will be unable to move.
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