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Everything posted by James78

  1. Any word on this by now..? Fix it btw.
  2. Thanks. :)
  3. Hi, My SGA group access was removed when my only server stopped streaming. I was moving servers to a new location, and I got my new server set up and streaming perfectly (as can be seen on my server page). However, my SGA access wasn't given back yet! I've waited for a day or so. Could someone help? Thanks! Account ID: 4485
  4. Great update. The only thing I don't like about it, is that the new KDE that comes with it automatically handles the functions of Compiz Fusion, and it seems near to impossible to have Compiz Fusions Advanced Desktop Settings manager take back over instead, along with Emerald window manager. It's frustrating.
  5. Exploits are dangerous. Fix it.
  6. To produce enough energy to create a black hole you'd need a generator bigger than this galaxy. Something as small as that, isn't even going to come close to "destroying the world". Don't worry about it. P.S. A girl committed suicide over this "end of the world" idea. It really does mess with peoples minds, it shouldn't be spread, because it's not true. If I'm not mistaken, I'm still right here aren't I?
  7. Precisely, the wonderful thing about PBBans, is that bans are not backed up by accusations, or assumptions, but by 100% concrete evidence. It's good for both PBBans, and for the users, even if it may cause some problems because some proof cannot be proved. It's the best way this way, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyways, it appears that I'm completely off topic now, and this topic has already been answered lol. People, always read the ToS's, I once encountered a site where their ToS and Privacy Policy was "when you sign up here, you are giving permission to the owners of the site to steal all your information, and use it in anyway they want", it said it just like that (not in those words, but the same idea). It turns out that I happened to read their ToS AFTER I signed up. <_<
  8. I always read the ToS, otherwise you can never be sure when you are violating the sites terms, and either get your account shut down for good, or get sued.
  9. This is a great tool to use, definitely useful. Thanks for making it!
  10. I figured so after looking at the wiki explaining all the data. <_<
  11. It still doesn't seem to work after that.. sadly. :(
  12. It was doing the exact thing to me also at some point, it seemed to have been my server. I verified you are using PHP5, so yea. Try going to your home page, it seems to not be working also (EXACT same thing that happened to me when I tried installing running this script, but it wore off in time, and is working perfect again). My suggestion: You might have to wait it out, until the server starts "working" again.
  13. Yea, it "supports" using the other games, but I'm not sure where you change it.. Make sure your script is being run in PHP5, as the script requires it. MySQL is also required, but technically not needed. Only downside of using any tool like this, which is why it must only be used when needed and not any other time.
  14. Ya, I know, but I still like having a personal tool that can I can put right on my website for all the server admins to use when needed (obviously abuse will get their admin status revoked)
  15. I'm hoping they allow you to buy servers, and select servers to join, because I love selecting servers to join in BF2 and BF2142.
  16. This php web based tool will allow you to enter your BF2 servers IP, port, and query port (usually 29900 on most servers). This is a useful tool, as it will query the gamespy servers, and compare usernames of people to the username appearing on the server. It is sort of like the tool we have that we can check for name hacks in the server tools area. Download Demo It's a bit of "coding" work so to speak, and I'm not exactly experienced enough to do this. I love this tool, but is there any possible way that anyone can "convert" it to work with 2142 servers? I would love to use this tool so I can periodically test my BF2 and BF2142 servers for name hackers.. Upon searching for ways to get information, etc, I came upon this link in a wiki.. Clicky P.S. This isn't exactly a "useless" post, afterall, I did show some users a cool BF2 tool! ;) As a note to everyone, it is ok to modify this script to fit your needs, you won't get in trouble.
  17. Alright, ya, it makes sense, there's not enough evidence to present as of yet. Thank you!
  18. I have an entire clan who all their screenshots always come back black, no matter what. Would it be safe to assume they're hacking?
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