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Everything posted by =DB=SunShin1121

  1. Should be Russia haha
  2. Lol
  3. i lolled about smoking instead of original idea ^^
  4. Well the ban is been denied, so Evenbalance says its an valid ban. What exact programs or cheat releated things could trigger this ban, no idea. only EB knows.
  5. Nov 22 Patch *completed* By: zh1nt0 Posted: 7 hours ago 886 comments Patch notes for Nov 22 patch Major client update for the PC version Battlefield 3 as well as a server-side update for all platforms. The update will be made on Nov. 22nd 7:00 AM UTC / Nov. 21st 11:00 PM PST. We
  6. just click on it.
  7. Duality was fast ^^ Thanks again :)
  8. Like the topic description said, could i be removed from TA 7894 ? Thanks, Sun.
  9. PBbans back :) YEa! good one, missed you guys
  10. Have you first uinstalled your services and then installed your services again?
  11. lol. ziet er wel nice uit :P
  12. DAt heb ik nu ook.. Als je gecheat hebt.. dan ben je ook verantwoordelijk dervoor en niet zeggen dat je veranderd bent. Misschien ben je dat ook wel wel maar het feit blijft dat je gepakt bent. Ik zou mensen die hier gepakt zijn ook niet toelaten in onze clan.
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