I am not sure that I understood your question.
If you wanted to ask whether you can ban troublemakers or not, of course you can.
And also if you stream with PBBans the cheaters will get automatically added on MBi and banned from your server.
These two kinds of bans are separate and your troublemakers banned will not be added on MBi, obviously.
Unfortunately you need to be a Streaming Game Admin in order to send possible hack related demos, or screenshots.
As {RUF} Ice Man said, get your servers streaming on PBBans, then get another demo of him (or even better, get him caught by PBBans' exclusive checks) and submit it ;)
Cvar: those are players modified settings. They can contain hack-related settings (like xx_aim for example). If found from PunkBuster, it will raise a CVAR 9001 Violation.
Aimbot: aimbot is what it says on the tin, a program that allows you to automatically aim :)
I am not able to set cronjobs on gameserver. Though I am able to set them on webserver :)
EDIT: Perhaps, isn't it possible to do the opposite (script on webserver log on ftp and grab the file)?
Sorry for re-opening.
I am not really an expert, but I would like to automatically download the pbbans.dat file from my server to my Website.
I tried to guess and edit the file, could someone tell me if it's right, and if not correct it? :rolleyes:
Thanks ;)
FN=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"\(\\/.*\\/\)"//`
BANS=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"pbbans\+[.]dat"/pbbans.dat/`
ftp -np $FTP_SRV << END_SCRIPT
quote PASS $FTP_PW
put $1 $FN
put $BANS pbbans.dat