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Everything posted by RC-Hunter

  1. Signed ... petition now at 45500+ ... pre order canceled. What a sad day for PC gamers in general. :angry: EA Battlefield(s) here we come ...
  2. The past three weeks show an almost every week for 24 hours offline period of EvenBalance
  3. Deutsches Sprachen, Schweres Sprachen ? Das einige nicht nochmals dr
  4. Ein Proxy verbirgt Deine IP Adresse und pr
  5. Was Du versuchst zu realisieren hat nichts mit Pbbans noch Punkbuster zu tun. M
  6. If you run any PB protected games under VISTA in a backward compatibility mode, your PB services cannot run with admin rights anymore. Therefore you will either experience a kick from PB protected servers or freezes, which are in fact the same thing. The A service might be started well but is not entitled to call the B service once you connect. There are some games/compatibility mode combination (such as running as Win2000) which will allow PB to communicate again, but you may experience other issues with the particular game itself, such as no sound, bad graphics etc. ... Like Roadwarrior said before, running games under Vista in comp. modes will cause you troubles and does not represent an option at all. There should be no reason to run Cod4 under WinXP emulation, just allow it to run as administrator and it will do fine under Vista.
  7. What a shameless plug PvtJoker. There are a few more out there ... *gg
  8. I believe you miss the registration/validation of your clan tag within your local punkbuster setup for the specific game you play. Once you entered the desired command in the pb console (like outlined in the welcome message from EB) you will find a file named 'regname.dat' in your local pb folder. You need to make sure this is present and all your clan members have the same file in their pb folders. Since you do a partial name registration, you can do it locally on your pc and - once it starts to work for you - send this file to all your members and have them copy the file into their local pb folders.
  9. Please update: pb_sv_protecttag 1 =]RC[= thanks !
  10. Da hast Du absolut recht @DetlefDeeSost ... meinte nat
  11. Der Streamingprozess als solches sollte nicht zwingend zur Beeintr
  12. Normalerweise kannst Du den Port doch bestimmen durch die verwendete Server Config. Auch wenn Du zwischen den Spielen umschalten kannst
  13. Hello RodeoBob and PBBans staff members, not much to add from my side to this particular topic and the whole thread this is originating from. I do believe while using your services, enjoying our community in the forums and IRC and furthermore donating to your site, I do show my respect for your work and I will continue to do so in the future. There will always be humans out there trying to harm others. This is part of humans nature and does exist in every part of our lifes. Grudge and ignorance are often altogether. Running communities for different games since 15+ years I can tell you that a statement from you like this was necessary for sure. It only counts what is written, the pace of our life is fast and in a few months newcomers can look back if they like to your post and even the link referrer to BP. But we should stop commenting any further and wasting our time on statements from Bazzar or others. Oblivion is what harms posters like him more, than seeing / hearing us debating about what he wrote. Personally I could not care less. keep well everybody, [RC]Hunter
  14. Looks good, your server is streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-203-46-105-32-20190.html
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