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Posts posted by TBK-GuitarSkater

  1. Maydax fixed the Issue, for whatever reason it wasnt getting removed. the ban is no longer being enforced, but thats what happens when people are trying to fix something for you. Thank you to Magnet, Greeny, Foz, and Maydax for assisting in fixing this and putting up with the attitude that came with it.

    • Upvote 3
  2. i cant wait, slip stream some PB support and boom, i wont need to waste time on WarFail2 anymore haha


    Here is this weeks progress:

    So, as you guys know we're hard at work on the 2.0 Project, and as of recent, we've many

    emails regarding the requests of users. So, allow me to clarify what we've got done, and in

    no uncertain terms, what we intend to do (hopefully). This will be an interesting posted list!!!


    Many of you know, that the 2.0 Project was harshly in danger some weeks ago, but as of a

    full overhaul and recovery we are now BACK UP TO OUR ORIGINAL PERCENTAGE and this

    means we can continue work as scheduled. We have accomplished basic ironsights for the

    main game, all weapons HAVE true to form ironsights of their weapons, character models in

    the game are skinned to a higher detail, as are maps. We have also completed the menu's so

    that when you select the characters, you can see the new HD skin variant. We have a HUD

    that i know you're all excited about, that is soon to be completed by Twi (the man himself!!!).


    We intend to finish up with a release of some form of Multiple Attachment System, as of an

    ongoing debate with OP, we're still not sure whether to release. This will take some time in

    an orderly fashion, we are also still working to continue map textures, so that once they are

    ready, you can rest assured that the last piece of the puzzle, ie the Lights On/Off will give us

    a new aspect to gameplay, of which i am not the last to say is going to rock our socks off.


    Lastly, we've fixed the enemy's AI levels, and reduced them to a factual and accurate layout

    so as not to ruin any SP modes, i'm personally thinking of including Twilight's Recon Modes

    if he wishes, which will add a new stealth based gametype to the element of RvS Awesomely

    fun gamemodes. In any case, the big work to get Athena's Sword & Iron Wrath's weapon lists

    will come as an effort to provide SP the unique aspects of gameplay that these add-ons have

    brought in, and we will consider the usage of such add-ons in Multiplayer in the near future.


    If you're all interested to know, we're closing in on the Alpha / Beta area's of the mod, and it

    will not be long before we can start to test this with you all publicly. This does mean that at

    first we will privately test with close friends, but later on allow public and anonymous usage.


    One last note; we have completely overhauled the textures for the characters, and my quest

    to get an even higher level of fidelity is nearing closure. I have a question though, and i can

    only do this, if you answer (all of you, as much as you all can). How would you feel, if we're

    able to provide a Mapper's SDK (ie HD textures, plus naming AND details on what statistics

    they have ingame, ie Wood Effects when shot, and the type of Sound Effects they make) with

    a specific thread per map, and thumbnails for each texture used in the 2.0 Project? I'm now

    considering releasing the Skin Packs beforehand, separately so that you all can enjoy skins

    while not having to wait for this slot of genius to come out in all it's colors. If you want any

    of this, please state so, and why/how we should implement it, as the skins are fantastic too!

  3. I was bored so i reinstalled RvS and was trying to login to the UBI servers, but of course its not working so as i was looking around for a fix i found this:



    Hello and welcome to the Rainbow Six: Raven Shield 2.0 Official Topic, as some of you

    already know; Rainbow Six: Raven Shield 2.0 is a project to revive the penultimate game

    in the Rainbow Six series in an effort to send out a message to all videogame developers

    who are thinking of developing a new tactical title. This project contains some of the most

    talented works and efforts brought to you by the very best of our very own RvSGaming.


    Let's start by giving you a reason as to why we have chose to do this, why we are so

    very passionate about this development. It cannot be denied that in the recent few years

    Rainbow Six has taken a turn towards the generic gamer, who has sought to play for a

    pick up and play experience. Rainbow Six was the cornerstone title in a long series that

    gave birth to a new franchise. While Ghost Recon stole the limelight in ground war, it can

    only owe it's lifespan to it's forefather, Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six was the work of a man

    we proudly support. Tom Clancy, a known and respected author brought the Jack Ryan

    series into the political thriler genre in an explosive entry, but it was team RAINBOW that

    really took it to the global level. We are here to continue the works and efforts of a legacy

    that without our help will quickly evaporate in the heat of the new generation of videogames.


    What we offer in Rainbow Six: Raven Shield 2.0 is the "FINAL" patch to bring closure to

    a game that needed all the tender, loving care that we, the community could give. We have

    offered HD Textures, you said more. You said better Characters, we delivered our word.

    We said more realism, you said YES! and finally, you said revive our game. We promised.

    Without a doubt, we stand as a collective community on the forefront of extinction in a set

    of videogame catastrophes; Lockdown, Critical Hour, Vegas & Vegas 2. It is time we all

    set the standard of videogaming as *THE* community that offers both advice and critique.


    So, without any further hesitation, i will proudly offer the final development features for our

    build, and with some help i can gaurantee it will be far better than even i expected. Can we

    also make sure to give full credit to our contributors, and i mean that by posting in response.


    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield 2.0 Features:




    *Revamped HD textures, in 512x512 to 1024x1024 format.

    *Revamped Character Textures, now with MOLLE Rigging.

    *Revamped Weapon Visuals, new Scope Lenses and Hands.

    *Revamped Terrorist Textures, with Balaclava Masks, More.


    CODING --


    *Ironsights, using the very best add/tex texture system, exact.

    *Goggles, no HUD unless you hit F1. Will show health damage.

    *Night Vision Overlay, rests ONTOP of Goggles, now complete.

    *Athena's Sword & Iron Wrath weapons, combined. NOTE 01*

    *Tweaked Enemy AI and improved patrols, equipments, actions.

    *Multiple Attachments, still working on it but will have final build.


    MAPPING --


    *User-Made, Default Maps all get HD Graphics, plus Day/Night.

    *Consistently Updated Scenario Map Additions, plus Day/Night.

    *Possibility for maps from both Splinter Cell & Ghost Recon too.

    *The ability to turn off / on light switches, cut power via generator.

    *Potential improvements over original maps are to be made soon.


    MISC --


    *Brand New Menu Textures, Including Previous Clancy Artwork.

    *Possible .bik Video background for main menu showing RAINBOW.

    *Possible inclusion of custom music option for .bik video for Main Menu.

    *Updated Controls, minor tweaks to default control system. Your choice.



    Alright, so with that said i would like to give credit to our contributors and their projects.

    Keep in mind that KetsuCorp Enterprises, while developing this for non-profit reasons, is

    very excited and would like to fully thank both the Raven Shield Community, and it's team

    effort to provide a reasonably large, client/host installation of improvements. Good Hunting!



    finally a worthwhile patch to our beloved raven shield

  4. sooo ive caved, well not really me... my girlfriend heard me talking about this game to a friend and she thought she would surprise me with it. so she ordered it for me as a gift.... so for the sake of the community (and my own entertainment) im going to try it out. rest assured there will be an honest review in the next day or two.


    i feel as if i have fallen to their communistic ways :(

  5. Funny part is the old cod4 code is still there


    0060AD80 |. 68 3C5D7200	PUSH iw4mp.00725D3C 	; ASCII "sys_smp_allowed"
    0060AD85 |. E8 1634ECFF	CALL iw4mp.004CE1A0
    0060AD8A |. 68 14BD6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FBD14 	; ASCII "Master server name for listing public inet games"
    0060AD8F |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
    0060AD91 |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
    0060AD96 |. 68 D0906F00	PUSH iw4mp.006F90D0 	; ASCII "masterServerName"
    0060AD9B |. A3 2879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7928],EAX
    0060ADA0 |. E8 3B1AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
    0060ADA5 |. 68 D4AA6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FAAD4 	; ASCII "Authentication server name for listing public inet games"
    0060ADAA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
    0060ADAC |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
    0060ADB1 |. 68 38847200	PUSH iw4mp.00728438 	; ASCII "authServerName"
    0060ADB6 |. A3 488FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F48],EAX
    0060ADBB |. E8 201AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
    0060ADC0 |. 68 9C157000	PUSH iw4mp.0070159C 	; ASCII "Master server port"
    0060ADC5 |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
    0060ADC7 |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
    0060ADCC |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
    0060ADCE |. 68 4A510000	PUSH 514A
    0060ADD3 |. 68 9CB96E00	PUSH iw4mp.006EB99C 	; ASCII "masterPort"
    0060ADD8 |. A3 3879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7938],EAX
    0060ADDD |. E8 4EEAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
    0060ADE2 |. 83C4 48 	ADD ESP,48
    0060ADE5 |. 68 0C5D7100	PUSH iw4mp.00715D0C 	; ASCII "Auth server port"
    0060ADEA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
    0060ADEC |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
    0060ADF1 |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
    0060ADF3 |. 68 40510000	PUSH 5140
    0060ADF8 |. 68 68F67000	PUSH iw4mp.0070F668 	; ASCII "authPort"
    0060ADFD |. A3 308FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F30],EAX
    0060AE02 |. E8 29EAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
    0060AE07 |. 68 B8557100	PUSH iw4mp.007155B8 	; ASCII "Enable development options"



    thats not that surprising, think back to Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.... when they released the D2D version, they used a modified version of the 'pirated cracked no-cd' game to make the D2D version.


    at least this time they used code from themselves, not the pirates :blink:

  6. have no fear for those who havent purchased this yet:


    on OverStock you can get MW2 for a special unbeatable price....



    dont worry about the 1 star rating,



    this is the best part....


    for only 3.99 you can add a 2-year replacement plan, so im wondering if this means you can hack away and then get a free copy?


    hackers rejoice!! Overstock ftw



    makes me want to not buy it even more now



    ***Edit: as i was posting this i saw on TV a MW2 commercial with Eminem in the background, and at the very end the last thing that was said was "get your limited edition Xbox 360 MW2 Console package" then it showed the X360 logo..... clearly they are marketing the console.... why bother even releasing this for PC

  8. Am I the only one who sees a conspiracy theory behind all this?


    It's plain obvious they just want to get rid of the pc side of their games altogether and get everyone to move onto consoles, where the piracy is less and they can charge us for every download, just because they are money grabbing bastards.


    tbh with you, it would have saved their rep had they told us it would not come out for pc, rather than doing this half assed effort to give us a game.

    kudos to that, i find this whole 'outbreak' repulsive, my email has been going crazy because of the server admin community releasing their feelings.. what are they thinking? i know that the sales for the PC version are going to be nothing compared to the consoles. the console "community" isnt going to care about this, in fact they are probally stoked to hear about this new IW.NET feature that will most likely improve the god-forsaken excuse for server browsing.


    when i join a server i dont want to be paired with 'likely candidates' i want to play with my clan and more importantly my friends. the whole purpose of having PC games is to be able to mod them, create custom maps, and HOST OUR OWN SERVERS.


    and VAC over PB? wtf are you kidding me? this is all a battle over lets do whats cheapest and cut corners with a garbage anti-cheat so we wan turn a greater profit in the end.



    i knew something like this was going to happen, with the success of COD4 and the anticipation that MW2 brought out, i knew that IW was going to pull some horrible ploy out of their sleeves, i just dont think anybody expected something of this magnitude.


    watch, IMO nobody is going to buy the PC version, of course console sales will be through the roof, but will the lack of support from the PC community there will be some new patch with dedi files and full PC support as expected. the reason they waited this long to tell the community of this dull release for PC is because if they said this from the beginning NOBODY would have been active on their twitter with suggestions, their forums, making polls, etc. maybe they forgot that the PC community is the MAIN source of their media output, we are the ones on the computers to respond to their press releases, not the people on console. <_>



    phew, that feels good getting that off my chest

    • Upvote 1
  9. Bob,


    sometimes its best to sit back for a while and play the cards in your life. ive always told my guys that real life should always take priority over gaming, the same applys to you my friend.


    on behalf of myself, [TBK], and Respected Admins; we wish you and your family the best. hopefully after things get settled you will find yourself happy with wherever life takes you.



    • Upvote 1
  10. Holy thread-revival! :P


    Still, it was a great interview, and RB is still as out-standing as always. ;)


    lol no kidding, but im gonna point out something that may have been overlooked:


    ...here recently we have teamed up with another organization that goes beyond that and says that if the individual is caught cheating with one GUID, they are banned as well from any additional GUID that they may obtain later down the road...


    that other organization would be |RA| Respected Admins.


    want to know more about |RA| and more importantly how to get these additional bans added to your server? visit our website @ http://respectedadmins.com

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