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Everything posted by TBK-GuitarSkater

  1. It is sad to hear of Magnet's passing. He was a tremendous man, and great asset to the AC community. 2020 has been far from kind, I wish you all the best and a safe and blessed 2021.
  2. Maydax fixed the Issue, for whatever reason it wasnt getting removed. the ban is no longer being enforced, but thats what happens when people are trying to fix something for you. Thank you to Magnet, Greeny, Foz, and Maydax for assisting in fixing this and putting up with the attitude that came with it.
  3. site look nice and clean, well done mates
  4. bahaha no worries, us purples can joke like that. i was the only one for a long long time, then they decided that there were other important people too lol

  5. haha thanks! i was the first purple =)

  6. i dont get time to play much, but here ya go.. add me Mag
  7. i cant wait, slip stream some PB support and boom, i wont need to waste time on WarFail2 anymore haha Here is this weeks progress:
  8. I was bored so i reinstalled RvS and was trying to login to the UBI servers, but of course its not working so as i was looking around for a fix i found this: http://www.rvsgaming.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=3037 finally a worthwhile patch to our beloved raven shield
  9. sooo ive caved, well not really me... my girlfriend heard me talking about this game to a friend and she thought she would surprise me with it. so she ordered it for me as a gift.... so for the sake of the community (and my own entertainment) im going to try it out. rest assured there will be an honest review in the next day or two. i feel as if i have fallen to their communistic ways :(
  10. thats not that surprising, think back to Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.... when they released the D2D version, they used a modified version of the 'pirated cracked no-cd' game to make the D2D version. at least this time they used code from themselves, not the pirates :blink:
  11. have no fear for those who havent purchased this yet: on OverStock you can get MW2 for a special unbeatable price.... dont worry about the 1 star rating, this is the best part.... for only 3.99 you can add a 2-year replacement plan, so im wondering if this means you can hack away and then get a free copy? hackers rejoice!! Overstock ftw http://www.overstock.com/Books-Movies-Music-Games/PC-Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/4040888/product.html
  12. makes me want to not buy it even more now ***Edit: as i was posting this i saw on TV a MW2 commercial with Eminem in the background, and at the very end the last thing that was said was "get your limited edition Xbox 360 MW2 Console package" then it showed the X360 logo..... clearly they are marketing the console.... why bother even releasing this for PC
  13. well duh, but before it was automatically opening links in new pages.. i suppose i will be right clickin away
  14. yea thats going to be the only way i get this game... i have no desire to fuel their expensive tyrant tastes
  15. everything is fantastic so far, but opening links in the same window is KILLING me, im loosing track of my mind at this rate
  16. - Master of the Grenade Launcher

  17. kudos to that, i find this whole 'outbreak' repulsive, my email has been going crazy because of the server admin community releasing their feelings.. what are they thinking? i know that the sales for the PC version are going to be nothing compared to the consoles. the console "community" isnt going to care about this, in fact they are probally stoked to hear about this new IW.NET feature that will most likely improve the god-forsaken excuse for server browsing. when i join a server i dont want to be paired with 'likely candidates' i want to play with my clan and more importantly my friends. the whole purpose of having PC games is to be able to mod them, create custom maps, and HOST OUR OWN SERVERS. and VAC over PB? wtf are you kidding me? this is all a battle over lets do whats cheapest and cut corners with a garbage anti-cheat so we wan turn a greater profit in the end. i knew something like this was going to happen, with the success of COD4 and the anticipation that MW2 brought out, i knew that IW was going to pull some horrible ploy out of their sleeves, i just dont think anybody expected something of this magnitude. watch, IMO nobody is going to buy the PC version, of course console sales will be through the roof, but will the lack of support from the PC community there will be some new patch with dedi files and full PC support as expected. the reason they waited this long to tell the community of this dull release for PC is because if they said this from the beginning NOBODY would have been active on their twitter with suggestions, their forums, making polls, etc. maybe they forgot that the PC community is the MAIN source of their media output, we are the ones on the computers to respond to their press releases, not the people on console. phew, that feels good getting that off my chest
  18. Bob, sometimes its best to sit back for a while and play the cards in your life. ive always told my guys that real life should always take priority over gaming, the same applys to you my friend. on behalf of myself, [TBK], and Respected Admins; we wish you and your family the best. hopefully after things get settled you will find yourself happy with wherever life takes you. -Skater
  19. lol no kidding, but im gonna point out something that may have been overlooked: that other organization would be |RA| Respected Admins. want to know more about |RA| and more importantly how to get these additional bans added to your server? visit our website @ http://respectedadmins.com
  20. yea, we just had a large change of staff..... check http://respectedadmins.com for the most up-to-date information
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