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Everything posted by ToothfairY

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72916
  2. Server Name-|DeD|- WaW ACE Custom Maps Server IP Server Name-|DeD|- ACE WWII Maps CTF Server IP Server NameSD-|DeD|-HC NO ArtyDogsTanks Server IP Pop in anytime you'll be welcome :)
  3. :) Thanks for the help guy's
  4. :lol: :lol: What a prat- cheers for that info - that'll be why then . I'll sort that now (Walks away with head bowed) :rolleyes:
  5. :blink: Done that - no joy :blink:
  6. Hi could you have a look at this server please and give me an idea where I went wrong. I set it to stream a few days back but is listed as not streaming. Server From pbsv.cfg pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg pb_sv_load rcondat.cfg thanks TootH
  7. You'll need a mod to force auto assign. Twar settings are a pain. If you have "Final fight" teambalance doesn't work. The settings are: final fight on / no teambalance: set scr_twar_roundlimit "2" set scr_twar_roundswitch "1" final fight off / teambalance working: set scr_twar_roundlimit "2" set scr_twar_roundswitch "0" Or set scr_twar_roundlimit "1" set scr_twar_roundswitch "1" TootH
  8. Read the EULA m8 instead of just ticking the "Agree" box ;)
  9. Yep thanks to Sparehead for his help. All working tickety boo again. B) Anyone hasn't tried this really should give it a go - it's free and eats nothing ;)
  10. :blink: Sites are down m8 :rolleyes:
  11. It works with all COD progs EXCEPT CODWaW. In a desktop shortcut right click, and in the target area after the exe" add (1space)+rcon login (yourpass) (1space)+password(your pvtslotpass) You can also expand this to go straight into a server by adding (1space)+connect XXX XXX XXX XXX:XXXXX. The target line would then read: "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +rcon login xxxxx + password xxxxxx +connect xxx xxx xxx xxx:xxxxx This will put you straight into the server of choice logged into rcon with private pass slot enabled. It's best if you have a few servers you like to make a copy of the original shortcut, add the commands and then rename the shortcut for each one you create. As I say - it wont work with CODWaW because the authentication system prevents it. Hope this helps B)
  12. Yep we are still using this - am advised update due this week to add COD5. Great tool without the need for a programme download. It's not perfect but I think the guys have done a pretty good job so far - here's to more
  13. http://files.filefront.com/COD5+profile+ba...;/fileinfo.html
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