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  1. i dont see anythink about them fixing the missing file DLL ? loads of people have had it, & when updated DirectX9.0c it still says unhandled execution when doubl clicking on the game icon ( exe ) i sitll have not played the game & would love to play it, any verification from anyone that it has been fixed or not?
  2. this is good news, wonder why they didnt stream many months if not years ago? hmm
  3. *Sits in the Dark, waits till the shit talkin is stopped* *Will only come back out when it stops & we focus on catchin cheaters, we're all here for that not here about the past*
  4. sorry evilzombie did not know there was a a baz i reffered bazaar to baz ( short nick ).
  5. iv'e read it all from other AC sites & the bob site itself from Bazaar, i have to say i think it is all lies, the past is the past now just leave it in the past goddamit, i have much respect for Pbbans as a whole & much respect for Rodeobob, keep up the good work & ignore the hooligans out there ;) you have our Support pbbans.
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