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Everything posted by Sixshot

  1. 24 players is probably not a big deal, at least from my perspective. But I suppose if the map is large enough, it'll turn the rounds into slow moving ones. Wasn't 42 more fast-paced? I wasn't around during that time (I'm a spoiled brat from the BF2 era). I do agree that BF2/2142 are both horribly coded. It's a lot worse when you consider that the weapons and bullet system they use is just as bad and worse than other games (power to the Baur gun!). Download-only? Sorry, I prefer to find my games at a discounted price on the early week(s), thus I rather pick up the physical copy first. That's how I did it with BF2. That's how I did it with Orange Box. That's how I did it with BF2: Special Forces. And that's how I did it with CoD:WaW. So DICE/EA is making Bad Company 2, BF'43, and BF2 1.5, and then there's the vaporware BF3. Wow. Have they ever heard of "doing one thing at a time?" They are starting to become like the defunct comic company Dreamwave (bonus cookie points to anyone who knows that one).
  2. I dunno where this should be placed (here or in the SGA discussion section). But I figure I'd ask anyway. As "my" server is currently streaming to here and to PsB, one of the bothersome aspect for PsB is having to regularly update the banlist. I am personally fond of PBBan's hub method of auto-banning when a found player happens to join my server. Curious to see the numbers, I checked out both PsB's CoDWaW banlist compared to PBBan's banlist. PBBans has significantly more than PsB currently have. Many of the GUIDs listed on PsB's list are also on PBBan's list. So on a bored night, I coded up a quick perl script (yeah, I should really try learning python) to do a comparative check on the two list. I found a lot of missing GUIDs not found in PBBan's list, as the number of GUIDs that PsB has do not match up to the total. Meaning, there are "gaps." Now, this has me quite curious as to where PBBan gets its ban sources. I know PsB does its own thing but it really has me scratching my head. Can anyone enlighten me as to how/why there are some gaps between the two lists? Note, I am curious about this and wish to learn something out of it. I know there are ways to making the list complete to get the absolute best from both ends. But that involves quite a bit of effort to get such a thing going.
  3. Good to see the service is restored. Thanks a bunch and keep up the good work.
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