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Everything posted by DarkChalky

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm_9A8yTnn8 :)
  2. And just about everybodys pension is tied up in BP shares somewhere, so no one will really win this.
  3. I think that was Pagan :D Im the one with "remarkable restraint" I think was you phrase :P and now you have made me use two smilies in one sentance!
  4. True that. Maybe black ops through the various wars or "flashback" missions like the Lt. Price and Chernobyl one from CoD4?
  5. Should've asked CB :P UH H1 Hueys AH 1 Cobras NVA style uniforms holding AK47's Wooden river boats with bamboo cover Palm trees Certinly reminiscent of a police action in an undisclosed SE Asiain country.
  6. But it could be a conservative Fire Dept. making sure he has insurance.... :)
  7. Soemthing else that got me as well with the statement - comparison to the film industry. When was the last time you went to the cinema or rented a DVD that did not come with at least 30 minutes of trailers with it? Free demo's? That really bugs me as well is the DVD's that you have to sit and fast forward through them, rather then just press the main menu button. Shareware - that takes me back :)
  8. Bit off topic, but with fuel prices going the way they are does that mean we can expect to not get a demo drive when considering which vehicle to puchase :)
  9. Sorry thought that gave everything... Try the automated version here: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html Select COD WaW from the drop down box and then enter the rest of the information. Then add the IP and port of your server to your application.
  10. You have to set your gaming server up for streaming, instructions: http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide Once that is done, then the admins will review your application and you wil be approved or not - if not then you would have to ask them why. If approved, then you will have access to other sections, which would include how to get a ban banner. (and your english is fine)
  11. You would need to be an SGA first - have you just set your server up?
  12. Also if you run the cable modem into a router, that could be the fault. Had to replace 2 so far :)
  13. I used to play cybernations and we had to get rid of our shoutbox on our alliance fourm is it led to security issues. A hacker used it to gain access (cant remember how but I could try and found out) and wiped most of the forum. Also took out a lot of access - thankfully we had backups so got restored fairly quickly. Is a shoutbox/status update needed anyway?
  14. Well Im guessing with the DDOS attacks and access to the forum being dodgy, that other things are taking priority. Have patience, they will get to reviewing the shots when they can.
  15. Makes me almost want to register so I can feed the troll more. He was just as bad on the callofduty.com forum.
  16. Depending on how long you have ad the game, you can still cancel the payment up to 6 months later for a credit card/paypal transaction and report the seller. They should be selling the game fit for purpose and if they had not advertised that it was a banned key, then technically its in breach. http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/buy/protecting.html Good luck.
  17. Tch could have asked me on Wednesday.......
  18. My IT geek is off at work so I dont know if its worth trying yet :P
  19. We are already discussing which game to move onto.
  20. :lol: Fantastic - now just have to figure out how we can all do it!
  21. And lets not forget Fozzer that the Army accommodation is crap, needs pulling down and rebuilding :P
  22. Canceled mine way to kill off a classic title IW.
  23. More along the lines of he wants us to be his I think :)
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