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kraxus187 last won the day on October 17 2011

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About kraxus187

  • Birthday 02/05/1973

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  1. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/08/15030898-seals-punished-for-role-in-developing-medal-of-honor-video-game-official-says?lite
  2. So they finally caught up with xfire that has had this function for years now (I would have said Steam as well but its been a while since I've used that and h ave no idea what it can do these days.)
  3. They have one in Dallas...its mentioned in the book "Shadow Factory" by James Bamford. The NSA built its own version in close proximity so that it could pick up on the satelite feed to Googles facility, in the period after 9/11 when the US governments response was to watch and listen in on everyone.
  4. Oh yeah...between that, Windows 8, new Microsoft Office and all thier other gadgets and toys its going to be a very M$ Xmas this yr.
  5. A great example of this, I think, would be the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2.For those that never played it, its pretty much a complete rework of the game : All custom maps All custom kits (including a "kit allotment" system, you had to apply for the kit you wanted and wait until you were granted it) Because it was a mod it could only be played on an unranked server...not a problem, they adapted the BF2 ranking system for themselves so you could have PR stats in addition to your regular BF2 stats on your own standalone stats server. Which is where the problem I see with modding comes in...how far do you let it go. ? Because not long after I discovered it I came across an announcement of sorts....someone had figured out how to tweek the server files for PR so that your stats could included into your ranked BF2 stats, all it took was changing 2 or 3 details. Not long after that PR was announced as an "official" BF2 mod (which I took to understand as EA alowing the PR stats to be included as actual stats...although I could be wrong).
  6. 14 / 100 was enough fir 1st place ? What was necassary for the other 86 % ?
  7. Well...going by how it was reported here : http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/fugitive-co-founder-pirate-bay-detained-cambodia-975956 ...he had been there since he split from Sweden and it was well known he was there. His "hideout" was a well known hangout spot for ex-pats who now live in Cambodia. We'll just have to wait and find out why they chose now to arrest him *shrugs*
  8. He did...Cambodia currently has no extradition treaty with Sweden so he's being held while the details get worked out.
  9. And this is different to those same organisations making exclusive deals with clothing manufacturors (for team uniforms etc) how ? I seem to recall a news report sometime in the past couple of years about a sports clothing manufacturor suing the NFL because it wanted to produce team merchandise but the NFL had an exclusive contract with said company's rival. The claim was for something along the lines of the rival firm had a monopoly on the team merchandise market due to the deal and it amounted to restriction of trade within a certain marketplace. If I remember correctly the Judge threw it out stating that the NFL could make deals with whoever it wished to.
  10. Submit it !!
  11. Its just a confidence game at the end of the day...the more confident ppl are in EA, the greater demand there is for thier stock...therefore higher stock prices as sellers raise thier asking price and ppl actually pay it. The recent drop in price shows that stockholders are losing confidence in the company and are trying to sell what they have, and lowering thier asking price in an effort to sell thier stock. Easy to follow so far ?? :biglol: In the past 4 years...since the transition from Battlefield 2 (through Bad Company 2 and now Battlefield 3) and the rise of the Call of Duty market, EA has been losing ground to Activision. So much so that they hired the 2 guys from Activision/COD to work on BF3 (I forget thier names) and several features of that franchise were adopted into Battlefield. eg. the in-game ranking system is the most prominent. This was a bad move on EA's part, the Battlefield 2 system was far superior in my opinion. Obviously this was going to show as an admitance that the competition was doing better and confidence was going to take a hit and this would translate to the market sooner or later. While the Battlefield market may not be the "be all and end all" of EA it is supposedly a flagship title and the constant berating of Bad Company 2, and now Battlefield 3, seem to be having such an effect that thier other major lines....the sports franchise lines (NFL, Tiger Woods, NBA,MLB)...can't seem to make up the difference. Maybe now they...EA...will take notice and go back to being creative instead of copying the competition in an effort to keep up. On a personal note...aside from the constant hack-fests, spawn camping blah blah that are inherant to the game...I still think COD 4 (even just from a graphics point of view) was far superior to either BC2 or BF3...and almost 6 years old now and I would switch back to it right now...if it wasn't for all the other baggage that came with it.
  12. Really ?? Seriously ?? :biglol: And the going price for non-Premium BF3 right now is ????
  13. You should know better trhen to believe anything you read in wikipedia.... Instead you should have more faith in the ramblings of people who have something to gain and just ignore History or facts...even though any Spec Ops buff worth thier salt knows that Delta Force is based out of Fort Bragg in North Carolina,regardless of what the Army says.
  14. So the "Delta Force" movies (from the 80s) never existed before NovaLogic came out with its games. Maybe they need to sue Chuck Norris as well then.
  15. EA just wants them to take the time off so they can be hired by EA to work on the next Battlefield project. Between the game modes ( I gave in and played a round of TDM the other night, may as well have played COD4) and some of the content of BF3...I'm suprised they didn't try out the name "Call of Duty:Battlefield Edition".
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