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Everything posted by Kite

  1. Thanks for the clarification. Bit confusing :P
  2. Dunno what you saw, but this is what I saw on the order page. I mean come on, 18/24 player max. Seriously? What happened to the days of 50-64 player max?
  3. All tweets from TGN twitter http://twitter.com/TGN Server files re-confirmed...sort of.
  4. Bad news... all from Josh Peckler's twitter. It seems servers will be rented out to only GameServers.com http://twitter.com/JoshPeckler/status/22766249936 NO Server files...but TGN and Josh are conflicting right now. So not 100% yet. No PB, using VAC. Steam exclusive. /record is in and theatre. Spectator mode is in.
  5. MOD TOOLS AND DEV CONSOLE CONFIRMED BY pcdev! http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=263066&p=3127169
  6. Obviously has no sense of humor. And he calls me a douchebag. *lesigh*
  7. 0:10 - Remote camera....interesting. 0:15 - LOL at the smiley face sight - Custom sights? 0:17 - Coordinates is a really good idea. "Person at D3!" will probably better than "Person at the Rocket Silo" or something like that. 0:23 - I hope clan tag support and maybe even custom clan tag pic will be in the PC. 0:36 - Although I've seen MANY complaints about the Ballistic knife, I give props for Treyarch for doing some research as (from Google) the Spetsnaz special force actually used it. 1:01-1:04 - How many of you instantly thought of Frontlines: Fuel of War when you saw the rover? I did! :P 1:21-1:29 - If an editor will be possible with demos...I will be utterly speechless in awe. Hopefully September 1st will be the best day for PC gamers...and not a BASH 123 repeat. And hopefully this will happen on release day...minus the D-Pad...and the bans...and the rage LOL. http://twitpic.com/2db2si (Something I threw up in a few minutes)
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/reporting-bfbc2-rankscoring-abusehackers-t125748.html Best bet is EA.
  9. http://www.medalofhonor.com/battlefield3 http://www.ea.com/1/beta Expected somewhere between October 12, 2010 and October 12, 2011. Bleh, still won't pre-order MoH just for this though.
  10. Demo recording has been confirmed by pcdev at the CoD: Black Ops forums. http://bit.ly/dkCFEI
  11. So I guess I'm the first person on these forums to be a normal user, SGA, and staff, all at the same time. :lol:
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/punkbuster-coming-to-all-points-bulletin-t120984.html/page__view__findpost__p__316576 This is likely because since there's no real server(s) (with IPs, logs, etc.) to technically stream. General PB support will still be available, though.
  13. Just finished the campaign, and holy hell that was hard AND a lot of fun at the same time. Teamwork is key in this game. Going off alone usually means death. Parasites are your worst nightmare. If you get infected, you'd better be near a medic PERIOD or else you're dead. Very impressed by this game. Graphics run smooth, gameplay really addicting and simple/pick-up. Overall, great and awesome, and I cannot wait to see mods/custom maps for this game. Only problem is that it does get laggy at times and people stutter around, but figures since it just launched. Quoting from a fellow teammate after we beat the campaign: "Free game of the year."
  14. Clean to both. First one shows nothing suspicious, second one looks more like bullet holes to me.
  15. @jimbouk1977 It's an FPS that follows Marines in (as you guessed it) Fallujah during Operation Iraqi Freedom/the current Iraq War. It was near completion in development, but then controversy arose over it due to it being set in the Iraq War (Being all recent and stuff, etc.) and Konami (the publisher) backed out at the last second so it's kind of stalled right now, but Atomic Games plans to self-publish it. However no release date has been announced. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Days_in_Fallujah
  16. Not to mention it ends in 3 days :\
  17. Kind of makes me wish I was actually old enough back then to play those games :( ...instead I'm now growing up alongside the Xbox Live generation of gamers. Shame I only know one real-life friend that PC games, competitive TF2, which I don't have =/ (but I do applaud him and his clan for winning the CEVO-A S5 Finals). The rest is all MW2 and Xbox Live. Can't go overhearing one MW2-related conversation without hearing the words "no-scope", 'quick scope", or "hardscope" >.>; Oh and I get called a loser for playing CoD4 CoD:MW / MW1 (as someone calls it, not joking.) on PC...yay for me.
  18. http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/search.php?searchid=1201889&pp=25 You can try look for yourself :P but I don't see anything about PBBans not supporting MoH.
  19. It could've been a phish site to steal/hijack your EA account, ya know.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxu7W8xR5jo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spec_Ops:_The_Line Overlooked 3rd person shooter that actually looks interesting and promising, and yes it's coming to PC, but in 2011 My preview/first impressions with links to interviews and such. http://shimeiishiki.wordpress.com/2010/06/26/spec-ops-the-line-preview-first-impressions/
  21. It's pretty much a crash fest if the beta runs on DX9.
  22. Clunky. Confusing. Copy of BC2. Unless DICE can get their rear in gear, this game is not going to get a buy from me. While the graphics run smoother than BC2, it doesn't make up for: Horrible spawns No-recoil weapons Useless explosions Ridiculously small map and player count Buggy interface and useless matchmaking Glitchy and uninspired graphics BC2 features obviously migrated For those who have to wait until Monday to play, you aren't missing much. It's what like most people said: It's MW2 mechanics in BC2 graphics. It's a lean towards CoD: Black Ops for this one. Full review: http://shimeiishiki.wordpress.com/2010/06/19/medal-of-honor-beta-pc-review/
  23. http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/showpost.php?p=86822&postcount=30 New record: 1 day. http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9093/mohmpgame20100618112535.png http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/6254/moh2.jpg
  24. This.
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