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Everything posted by BLADE1964

  1. I have used this program with BFBC2, MoH and BF3. I have had no problems with it. All it does is shut down processes that you don't need for gaming. PB still runs for the games.
  2. Did you download PBSetup from http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php. You have to install and run it. It will set you up for PunkBuster.
  3. PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe are in "C:\windows\system32" What I did was to go into "Services" under "Administrative Tools", (which is in the "Windows Control Panel"), found PnkBstrA and PnkbstrB and set them to "Automatic". (Do this with the game running) They run even if the game is not running after this is done. Also set your firewall to let them connect to the internet. I no longer get kicked for PB errors.
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