a keygen generates cd keys randomly.
if i buy a game today and install it , a hacker could have had the cd-key generated last month , played with it , cheat and get the GUID banned.
but when i buy the game and install it and try to play the game with the most powerful firewalls i CAN'T because the cd-key is already banned.
does PBBans or evenbalance or activition or any responsible organization have an answer for this ? will they give a new cd-key ? the answer is no. because they have no control over it. while it is meant that when we buy the game it should work in all aspects and when have the most protection for the PC.
isn't activisions responsibility to keep its products safe ? while you tell us its our responsibility to keep my PC protected? what can i do when my CD key is stolen before i have bought the game.
i really would like to hear your answers