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Everything posted by TRUFR34K

  1. No WH...but what he said! It actually looks like our old clans icons that we made! Does that say T.R.U.??
  2. The only script here that is even questionable (in league play) is the hijump one. All others are for gamma, mouse sensitivity and his crosshair which are perfectly legal. It's just easier to set them up in a script so you can change them on the fly.
  3. :concur:
  4. I don't think they are illegal but please correct me if I am wrong. Read basically what they do below...
  5. I'm assuming this is for AA only right? Can it be done for other games? It looks like a great tool but I don't play that game at this time.
  6. IMO..Both! It looks like a skin that doubles as a hack!! But with only seeing this 1 SS...it's kinda hard to tell. Got any more SS's of him? If so, post them up and we will see. If not, just keep an eye out for him.
  7. After viewing the first 30 seconds you could tell he was wallhacking. But I did watch the first 10 minutes and he was definately w/h'ing...IMO!!!!
  8. Yeah the first time I counted it I got 31 but I decided to count it again and got 32 then I said screw it and copied and pasted in to word and did a word count on it!! Yeah...I cheated!! :P
  9. Unless it's me...i'm reading 32. :)
  10. Welcome...good choice on deciding to start streaming with PBBans. You can start by going >>>here<<< and reading up on it.
  11. Are these UltraStats for COD2?? I'm just a little confused by what it is. Thanks bro!
  12. Run this little utility to remove any files that don't belong!! >>>Click Me<<<<
  13. It may not be cheating in the original sense but I have not seen a league that will allow it. Scripts in every league I have been in were a big no-no! There's really nothing you can do against them (that I know of) other than searching for them and banning if/when you find them.
  14. :concur:
  15. Can't he just pull it off the disc and put it in his folder?? That way he won't lose too much of his stuff! I have heard people doing this so I think it's possible. Just a suggestion.
  16. It's just a glich...I see it all the time!
  17. There is a similar topic in the ET forums I believe. It kind of touches on what it's all about. >>>Topic<<< Hope this helps. I know it's a different # but I think it has to do with the same thing.
  18. I don't know...that's kinda iffy. Cuz he is in a spot that you can see through walls on that map. It's very suspicious. I would say he's WH'ing but that is a very glitchy map.
  19. Now that's just 2 funny! We both posted at the same time and about the same thing too!!!! GJ!
  20. He might have a PB setting set that saves the SS's that a server takes of you to your hard drive. Look through your config for PB_SSSAVE. If it's set to 1, then it will save all SS's taken from servers. If you don't want this, set it to 0. Hope this helps what you were talking about.
  21. I'm pretty sure that's what he means. I have given this info to my clan!
  22. If you are talking about the white weapons in the pics you provided, that's just a skin for when the weapons are dropped. You shouldn't be able to see them in white if they are in the players hands. If you can see them through walls well then that's a different story cuz I have never seen them that way.
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