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DR@G()N last won the day on August 26 2019

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    -4K- Gaming Community
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    Battlefield 4
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  1. I have also signed up, looks like it might be a good game
  2. yeah it has a lot of bugs as normal from this company, I have play a few hours and not a fan but feels very clunky. Its getting hard to find a good game to play that is about the game play and not the graphics
  3. Its a Rebadging of BF1
  4. I wonder if they keep the same EA Guild ?
  5. I don't know why..... wait yes I do :lol: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #59147: sebo891 (slot #17) Violation (AIMBOT) #59147
  6. I only had one server at the time and it was offline for 9hrs that I know of (because thats how long if took to get a reply to my ticket I submitted to our server host)
  7. I am now that the server came back to life
  8. our server has been offline again today for about 9 hrs and I have been removed from the streaming admins again.
  9. yeah its a bit weird
  10. I have just notice in the Msi that our server is showing up as in Singapore but it is in Australia ?
  11. Nope it was only a few hours, unless the PBBansHub is set to run at set times of day, My server got changes over late at night here (AEST) and I think it was around lunch time the next day I noticed the server was not streaming so put the new details in and notice I was not in the streaming admins group anymore because I was going to start a thread about being able to just change the IP's
  12. Last night my server host changed the IP on our server and today I have been removed from the streaming admins group you really need to change this so it goes a day or so before you remove people from this group. the other thing that would be good is to be able to change the IP details under your server management section so we don't have to reapply to get the server streaming again
  13. donation made :) pbbans need to make the streaming a monthly subscription to cover the cost, Even if it was a $1pm that would easily cover it. If pbbans is gone it will be a sad day for the online gaming community.
  14. its not looking good,, Soon you'll get a copy of the game when you order a pizza like with bf2 :) its already started with battlepacks lol
  15. Its looking that way :(
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