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Everything posted by No_Nickname

  1. If we ever get our servers populated regularly again, what would I have to do to be apart of this?
  2. We had 3 servers at the time, one for karkand, 1 for Dragon Valley, and last for Jalalabad so it was possible :)
  3. She didn't make it any better, she could of moved over and he would of been on his merry way,
  4. Back when I first joined my clan, we had a pair of senior members create a little program called FUBHUB, basically the app would pull info off our servers and run it through pbbans (at least to my knowledge) and would alert you if anybody had a pbban and what it was linked by (name, ip,GUID or a combo). It also allowed you to check screenshots and view the ban in question so you could make a more informed ban. Sadly one isn't around much and the other one hasn't been heard from for years after he got into trouble and about 2 years ago was found by pbbans staff to apparently got to the dark side which was a shame since he did so much for us. Overal, I think I banned at least 500 people that had previous pbbans in the year or so I got to use it since we had one of the most popular BF2 Karkand servers
  5. Seems a bit cocky to me http://www.computerandvideogames.com/452824/battlefield-brand-not-damaged-by-bf4-problems-says-ea-exec/
  6. I was hopping for something with bigger combat ships like cruisers, destroyers and frigates. One can only hope to see a BF game with proper naval combat on a grande scale with moveable carriers and smaller offensive/defensive ships.
  7. But but, it cuts into their profits
  8. Now only if DICE can follow suit
  9. Happy New Year from the [FUB] clan/community, here's to another great year
  10. go go gadget arms
  11. So where's the lawsuit against EA for all the people who bought the game?
  12. What you're talking about is probably an multihack, probably ESP and an aimbot that shows which person is the biggest threat.
  13. I take it Mag had to use the users ip to find it?
  14. A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of helping out my neighbors who happened to be in their 60s with snow removal during the winter. They owned and operated a pilot school so naturally they owned a plane and his son offered to take me flying as a thank you for helping out during a rather bad winter. Now at one point during the flight, he told me to take the controls and fly it for awhile and I was a bit skeptical so I asked him if he was joking but he said no. Ended up being the best 2 hours I had of the year and it felt weird having somebody trust you to fly a aircraft that costs more then an average car when it's your first time flying.
  15. there is a chance they will If you can provide proof that you weren't hacking
  16. why am I not surprised
  17. I've tried asking questions from DICE/EA, my opinion is they don't care unless it's praise because all of them have been ignored and I'm pretty sure I'm blocked by several on twitter
  18. Has anybody tried to ask EA why Multiplay and IIRC MyIs are allowed to host servers with the problems they have with leaks and staff members getting pbbans?
  19. Finished preloading, only a matter of time
  20. I got to 24% before getting an error, had to restart origin to get it started again
  21. Pity, it could of been on FB3 but you know DICE f*cked that up Still can't wait :D
  22. Posted it on our forums so the other decision makers in the clan could get a feel on the choices, still haven't gotten one reply *sigh*
  23. Just a friendly warning, if and/or when you start streaming you aren't allowed to let other people use your account. To be on the safe side, I wouldn't let anybody use your account period.
  24. We had both of our game servers + our TS3 server down for a lengthy amount of time, not once but twice due to a supposed "outage" or "unsceduled maintenance".
  25. ........ http://www.bf4blog.com/battlefield-4-alpha-gpu-and-cpu-benchmarks/
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