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Everything posted by No_Nickname

  1. Has anybody else deal with people who can take out 4 or more people without taking any damage. I've watched 1 guy take out 6 people including me with the knife, and we were all shooting at him at the same time and hitting him yet when the kill cam showed up it showed him at 100%. It happened multiple times including yesterday and I have heard other people on my friends list who were in the xbox party say that they had the same problems and that the guy had some invincible glitch. Please fix this bullshit, I don't have problems getting kills but when people get more then 30 kills to 1 death because of this glitch, this glitch is a game ruine. Have seen it on xbox 360 but don't know about the PC
  2. So will the CEO of EA games finally stop being cocky now that EA has lost out as a COD killer?
  3. Does anybody know if they will be going with the same number of flags for the B2K map pack as they were in BF2 or am I going to have to play on a greatly reduced map like all the other crappy ones they seem to be coming out with these days
  4. I doubt it, I've played it since it came out and there are so many problems and the maps selection are horrible
  5. wow, DICE that was a slap in the face. No offense to the employees but your games went downhill after EA bought out DICE and that's MY opinion
  6. Awwww that got my hopes up that they were going to make it 6 per squad :/ Anyways, here's some chopper gameplay from the open beta (can somebody get this to show?) <.< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ84trKx12A
  7. Look at :24, why does it look like there are 6 people in the squad and 2 stars?
  8. Doesn't look good for the PC, number wise. Any numbers from origin?
  9. BF1942, BF2, and BF2142 are still played years after they came out, is BC2 able to say that??? Will BF3 be able to say that?
  10. I think they really screwed up on having vehicle unlocks, why should I have to give up on having smoke just to have a coax mg. BF2 had it balanced perfectly and no person had any advantages
  11. Best feedback I've read out of all of them, they implement these and punkbuster works fine and I'm sold http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2826551139104082231/
  12. Their Enforcement team is a joke, I get banned for 2 weeks for 3 words and there are other people who I've seen do worse and not get banned
  13. Has IE sent out a cake?
  14. I played the beta on the PC and xbox, wasn't anything special imho
  15. I think it would be cool to have a battle in the dawn/dusk hours
  16. DICE used to be cool, now they want to knock COD out of the top spot after seeing all the success that Activision/IW/Treyarc/Sledgehammer have. I have a feeling, that if I was allowed into a board meeting with DICE I'd be kicked out not to long after
  17. I have over 2000 hours in 2 years, that would be like 5 months for me at most
  18. Definitely looking to get the Company of Heros and expansion :D
  19. A sick speed art, the guy happens to live in my home state of WI not to far from where I live :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8h3-NqZ9uk (tried embedding it but got an error occured message)
  20. All I can see with the cross-platform capability is console players who don't use K&M (when did PS3 get a KB&M combo?) getting their ass handed to them on a golden platter.
  21. Jesus, how many slots was that server Magnet?
  22. I hope there will be Inf Only for conquest maps
  23. I definitely will
  24. They would make stalin proud xD
  25. So I assume you talk normally on an iphone to use it?
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