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Everything posted by No_Nickname

  1. I think we are considering dropping Gameservers and looking for a new provider or get a dedi server, nothing but problems
  2. I for one would ask them for proof of such, I've had to deal with several clans in different gamesthat banned me for the same reason but eventually had to unban because of lack of proof. Also a quick search doesn't bring up any pbbans
  3. looks like it's coming out on my birthday
  4. So what would I have to do to install it? Assuming that there will be previous patches that I have to download like for BF2
  5. Shows 75% for me as well
  6. I haven't used origin in 3-6 months, yet I continue to use Steam on a regular basis. Origin was just another pain in the ass and I thought it was stupid that I had to download it just to play 1 game which I also haven't played in months.
  7. I think Microsoft already shot themselves in the foot, I was going to get the new xbox because a lot of my friends were getting one but now I'm not so sure
  8. I have it on preorder but only for the sole purpose of doing so, it will all depend on how the beta turns out and might not even be a day one purchase. If I do cancel my preorder, I'm keeping the dogtags
  9. Preorder BF4 at Gamestop and get a set of dogtags
  10. Would you believe that the BF3 disk doesn't have the game at all, and is just a copy of origin which then downloads the game for you? Pretty sure that was what I had to go through -.-
  11. So tell them to start steaming to pbbans
  12. Sound's like it fell on deaf ears
  13. Looks like a lot of fun, might give it a look
  14. don't have that kind of money to be throwing it at it
  15. Something smells fishy, probably got paid to give it a good review
  16. We shall see about those high end PC components
  17. I was born in 89 but remember doing a lot of those things
  18. Would have been funnier if the others jaws just dropped
  19. Where did the year go o.O
  20. Most clans who have members that are well known in the ways of anti-cheat will not ban only because of ip, they will check to see if any of the aliases match with the banned pb guid
  21. I won't doubt that but it was chaos that day, my uncle got frostbite on his ears and nose, somebody forgot my grandmother at home, multiple family members ended up in the ditch, cars refused to start, some of the booze froze (oh the horror) Indeed, people were crazy enough to attempt the trip and probably would have been better to postpone it a day
  22. Merry Christmas guys, apparently since I can't find a way to post videos I'll just let an administrator do it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsxJWUToH4o
  23. Just going to throw this out, there was a comment on yahoo from an article a couple days ago about some comments that somebody in the dept. of education had said but since I can't find it I'll use this comment instead The way I see it, advertising that places that are gun-free zones makes it easier for gunman to know where to inflict more chaos. Another problem is that the liberal media fails to report the incidents where people who had concealed carry prevented or limited the number of deaths. Here's another article that I had read as well http://news.yahoo.com/know-stop-school-shootings-003203357.html;_ylt=AnRFFMAqMnwD81Mk8JBLPwfzWed_;_ylu=X3oDMTVycm0ydWl2BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IE5ld3MgZm9yIFlvdSB3aXRoIE1vcmUgTGluawRwa2cDZGRjYWZjMjItNzU4OC0zYTdhLTk0MWItYTdiZTJiMDQ0NGI3BHBvcwMxMwRzZWMDbmV3c19mb3JfeW91BHZlcgM5ODQ2NDk1Mi00YTZkLTExZTItOWZmZi02NDQ5MzBmNTViMzE-;_ylv=3
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