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Everything posted by Pinuccio74

  1. After 1500 hours of playing, i'm still in love with this game :)
  2. And alwaysi yes imo please don't tell me another time to open a topic for who do not like a games.... Bad attituded, respect the freedonm of all people...
  3. Surfy, imo you are Always out of most opinions about games... like you answer to my simple opinion about BF5... I suggest to be more open about different ways....
  4. Happy Holidays to all Many thx to the staff and all the members community of PBBbans
  5. Cool ! SuperTaz, i play usually in servers of east coast also if i have a different time...most of that servers are not live to pbbans and i have to change often because there are cheaters playing. Players of bf3 are less now than some mounths ago...but i've notice a lot of new players that have just started to play BF3 ! I hope for new servers protected, BF3 is still a valid game !
  6. Surfy i have to thank you.....
  7. (just my opinion) I'm going to sell my computer if new games will be like this one...
  8. Pinuccio74

    A Sad Day

    Great picture Heinz....Surfy said how to look the touir Eiffel ! Pinu.
  9. Yes Para finally....
  10. That "bug" is not fixed yet...i've phone call the support of EA two times and they say that is just my browser, old password, first time for that issue, one operator told me: which is the problem? you can log twice....a lot of bullshit. As usually DICE have interest only to earn money whit their new games like hardline and expansion pack. My opinion is that until DICE will create a new game better of BF3 i'll never spend one cent !
  11. Hi, I'm having problem whit the battlelog of BF3, i mean i usually log in origin and after on BF3 picture i select play (that since 2 days ago works fine) than in my browser i had the battlelog logged and ready to vievw server etc, but now the webpage of battlelog is different and appear a message : wrong user or password; so i have to log again in that page whit my user and password... Does anyone else is having this kind of issue?
  12. PBBans is always the best ! happy holidays from Italy and =AW= sga ! Many thx to the staff and all the members that offer a great help VS cheaters !
  13. Hi, just my little opinion, Stay away from pbbans website and try to solve your problem only with evenbalance. The staff of pbbans have trouble more important , i mean keep the fight VS cheaters like a priority ! Devenlope new MD5,support for SGA,fight against ddos attack and i hope finally that more donations will help this great 3part anticheat communty! Pinuccio74.
  14. Credo che ormai i server italiani per bf3 che siano in streaming con la pbbans siano completamente estinti purtroppo anche se sono ancora in molti a giocare bf3 mi risulta difficile trovare un buon server protetto. Una cosa è certa i cheaters non smettono anzi credo siano aumentati rispetto al passato perché comprare una cdkey per bf3 costa molto poco. in soli pochi giorni nel mio server ho già due cittoni beccati, nonostante il mio sia un semplice flagrun.
  15. I'm very afraid about this news...i've started to play electronics games with commodore 64...
  16. I agree.
  17. IMO i think PBBANS is better ogranization That i have kwen until now...So GGC stream Staff and theirs system have to stop to discuss all around this ! I'm bored to read thats inclonclusive opinion and topic ! Let work PBBANS staff without any comment, please stop here an inconclusive discussion. Go Go Pbbans ! You are on the right road !!
  18. Post any errors in a private forum section.
  19. Hi, i'd like to have more informations about multiplyers mode like if power struggle mode will be included and what about vehicles? In my opinion PS for crysis is like the heart of it that make the difference from all the others game. Tank you very much, -]ISF[-Pinuccio74.
  20. has not set their status

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