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Everything posted by wraahhm

  1. Well surfy, heard about some shortcuts EA is offering now... :P Besides i guess that´s just the first decision of the new anti-cheat team at DICE: "Why don´t we just offer a significant advantage for money ourselves?!" ;)
  2. Seems like Nick tested it now and it did not raise a violation. They were not sure the last time, so they played it safe. Maybe i´m going to test it,too. The colours really look nice on some screenshots.
  3. Pisi-Deff already opened a support ticket with EB some time ago, it was asked in the german forum before. They don´t allow this software on PB enabled servers...I would not risk it. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/fxaa-injector-v11-beta-erlaubt-t153230.html/page__p__396197?do=findComment&comment=396197 (original answer is in english)
  4. They already confirmed good old "Conquest Assault" mode, so i hope the flag layout will be all the same like BF2.
  5. Free FPS based on C&C Renegade. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNpPQN758uc http://www.renegade-x.com/
  6. Duh, i just want to play the game...not go through a law study to understand all those EULAs,RoEs,ToS and whatever. Do i have to be concerned by this news?! :scratchchin: ...gaming has become so complicated sometimes, too many big "players" i guess.
  7. Outstanding support indeed, but one downer...no Linux server files,just like Brink.
  8. OMG...finally,DICE & EB really "collaborated" to help us fight cheaters! Great news!
  9. Hmm, maybe they compared 32 slot bfbc2 to 64 slots bf3 :scratchchin:;) I
  10. $59 is the bargain price, already 50% reduced, at the ordering form the bargain is added at the bottom of the calculation. But at other hosts this is or will be the normal the price...so i guess they just doubled the price to say you get 50 % off...kind of fishy imo. After the release,who´s gonna pay like $120 per month for a single gameserver (40 slots)?! The service and hardware specs must be extraordinary...
  11. 50% off for preorders at Multiplay...but still nearly the same price as i3D.net?!
  12. Some quite good games for sale, unfortunately it seems to be US only. No "summersale" in germany,maybe cause we haven
  13. Isn´t a "more varied arsenal" a "significant advantage"? BF was always about adapting to particular situations, and with more gear it´s easier to adapt...e.g. the flechette ammo for close quarter combat. But let´s wait for more announcements regarding extra packs for specific countries...
  14. I remember having the same problem some time ago... I used vista 64 at that time, and after checking really all known fixes the freeze appeared on and on. Sometimes right after the map begun, sometimes i was able to play for about an hour, but then suddenly it completely froze my pc, only a hard reset helped out. I moved back to XP and it worked...so for me it was the OS that caused the problem. Now im at win7 64, no problems here,too.
  15. Since the downtime PBBHub Greetings for every player appear on our server. Is it a general issue or could i deactivate them anywhere?
  16. Hier das selbe. Server streamen wieder, aber wir haben plötzlich ne PBBHub Begrüssung die ich nicht aktiviert habe. Und mein SGA Status is auch futsch... EDIT: Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich die PBBHub Begrüssungen wieder ausschalte? ...und danke für den SGA ;)
  17. We can get the game in germany, but parts are censored. Some torture and headshot cutscenes missing and less gore overall. Glad some of my clanmates live next to Austria, they get the austrian PEGI 18 version for me, just the swastikas in zombie mod are deleted there. Afaik gifts wont work as well, it´s not possible to activate US or UK version with a german steam account/ip.
  18. - Crosshairs of the 870 slugs have changed but the NS2000 slugs crosshair is still the old one. -Imo the hitbox of running targets is worse, especially using slugs. In BF2 we had the dust, now it
  19. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed when I heard that Andy left lpgs. I mainly chose his company cause of his professional and profound posts here. He appeared to really take care of his customers questions and needs and always was the first to give out information on new patches and functions. My first contact with the new staff was pretty positive. I complained about some laggy and jerky gameplay on the server, after a few minutes they looked it up and found out two arma2 servers using most of the processor resources and fixed it. Although I'm still waiting for the server to be moved out of Frankfurt...;) All the best to you,Andy.
  20. Lesson one: You can never ever tell if anyone is cheating just by checking k/d or stats...;) Good stats -> Good player or padder or cheater "Normal" stats -> Normal skilled player or non skilled cheating player, just using the cheat to be a normal player... who knows?
  21. Revise my first post... i3D Server running but not showing in server browser! I tried the mode-switch, doesn
  22. Yeah!B) Because of my very first Cheater caught on the other server and recognizing the bans raining in the MBI last days, seems i was a little too enthusiastic while adding the server the first time...;)
  23. ...ok,the gameport is also not 19567. Deleted the server and readded it Port 19568...:rolleyes:
  24. We do not run the standart RCON Port,could this cause some problems?!
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