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Everything posted by Aura6S

  1. If anybody is looking for a cheap(er) pre-order, Sainsburys Entertainment are doing this for
  2. Maydax KEIOS I have no reason to disbelieve either so the only other explanation is indeed crossed wires/language barrier, yes? So who's going to man up here? Situations like this just further distance game devs from using PB, instead running straight into the outstreched arms of VAC.
  3. I don't mind paying. Game ca
  4. First time I played any MOH title and if it's better then any of the previous titles, I'm delighted at the cash savings I've made by not buying any of them. Looks like it's Black Ops for me then.
  5. They argued that it wasn't a console port but I'm not sure I believe them, the keyboard didn't have many buttons on it. Dedicated server confirmed ... they told me to rest it on the top of my husky fridge to keep it cool.
  6. Lol ... but it aint funny :( So what's a COD5 freak gonna play now then? I'm open to suggestions!
  7. Maybe a daft question here, I'm out of my depth with the subject but here: http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/layer?topicId=1074014670 The way I see it, is the law not set up to protect consumers from monopolies? It's about fair trade, right? So if an alternative to "Gameservers" wants to throw their hat into the ring, Activision will tell them where to go, this would not be right according to our laws, would it not?
  8. Aye, I kept restarting mine until it "took". Was one of the first back up and was full in 2 minutes flat :) Sweet :D
  9. Can only get about 50 worldwide to show up, having trouble connecting to them, even my own! Same prob for a few of us, anybody heard anything?
  10. Haha, that is very funny Kite lad (+1 lolworthy Rep) :D
  11. Is that fella on the right you? ;) Done well in a few years man, very well indeed :)
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