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Everything posted by PBStaff_Nick

  1. Take a look at https://www.ipage.com/
  2. Last reply oh the 3 steps of denial 1. Denial 2. Anger. 3. Acceptance
  3. 100% of the time i would not reply to a topic like this. Only way you going to fix this error you getting is to Buy a new game and to stop this error again from happening is to stop using cheats, for more info on your error contact your coder.
  4. :fryingpan:
  5. Taz it comes down to what you are wanting to do with it, If you are wanting to do a lot of gaming with linux then try the Steam OS, right now i am running kubuntu but i have ran backtrack to Mint. But if i was you i would maybe try Ubuntu 1st and see how you get on with it or try Suse ( You can make your own Suse OS ) Don't forget that you can load a Linux on a USB stick and try it with out having to install it to a drive, so why not download a few of them and test them out and see which one you like best.
  6. What is your PB Guids?
  7. It is very easy for players to think that no one is looking in to their EB Support Ticket, or no one cares, but that is not the case. All information is looked at and checked. We are not going to remove ban just on some ones word, i have to have the evidence that it is this program / programs which is setting of a false positive. If i can not do that, then i am not going to go to my boss and say we have a false positive. When opening a support ticket, you need to give as much info as you can, if you rude the support team are not going to look at it, or pass on any information to me. The more information you can give in the ticket, the more it helps me to look in to it.
  8. You not going,to get any info from me as that would be break my NDA. and as for you Marksmans you been a bad boy for some time. Think it would be bets to lock this one
  9. What you want and what you get are not the same, even private cheats get detected.
  10. Marksman you keep saying you have been hit by this ban, how about posting your PB guid so i can check, there is nothing i have seen which makes this a FP,
  11. :rolleyes:
  12. @Javadog This kick can happen if you alt tab out of the game a lot, @Cappy1892 This has nothing to do with any overlays
  13. PB has been live from day one,
  14. At this time i do not know if any of the kick / ban that we do are going to be posted. Maybe you should post something on the playwarz site.
  15. I want to start by saying sorry that i not posted something before now, i wanted and needed some time away and let my hair down and kick my feet up over the weekend. I am not going to talk about or say what was setting of the false positive, but i do want to say sorry to any none cheats who may have set of this violation, i also want to thank the Staff here at PBBans for their help, i was able to rule out and confirm my own findings thanks to them testing and giving me information on what programs the staff here had been testing. The Staff here have been a help to me not with just dealing with thing like a false positive but also in helping me to detect public and private cheats, i know sometimes a few of may think "why in hells name does he want me to do that" and i am very thankful to them for the help i get. Keep Safe Nick
  16. That's ok i just won't post on here any more if it is making wave's Keep Safe
  17. The SP on Fc3 is out standing, the best sp i have played for a long time, Sunday i said to myself i take a quick look at FC3 and spent almost all day playing it, just so much to do and see in this game. Not played MP yet, may try that tonight if i get time.
  18. nor do i, but i enjoy rammstein, my x was in one of there videos, she got me in to them :)
  19. After watching this you never look at Snow White in the same way . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIBeYoP9Wi0
  20. Yes there are, you have to under stand that a lot of players coming in to PC gaming have only played using a controller from playing on a xbox or some other console.
  21. To be fair, there are a lot of players using the 360 controller on the PC, very easy to set it up and game with.
  22. Sometimes it is better to have no Knowledge at all, as a person with a little bit of Knowledge is dangerous to themselves and others :) @fozzer Thanks for cleaning that up
  23. I love reading there troll posts, when i see post like this, it just gives me a smile
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