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Everything posted by LumpyNtZ

  1. Well, one hacker came to me and was laming punkbuster a lot. I said him that PB is yes and working, because u noob got banned too^^ Then EA gave him 3 new keys for his banned accounts??? What makes me think that this AC-work is pretty frustrating. How do i know he got those new keys? Saw that livechat log with EA. So i said that its EA that sucks in this matter, not PB. But my point is that what a hell is going on if EA is giving new keys to replace banned accounts.... :( Sry for my bad english.
  2. Like, Matt said, keep the faith. Probaply evenbalance/pb is silently loggin em right now. If they would ban those who are caught rightaway, cheat devs would patch their cheats rightaway and we couldnt see those mass waves. Latest was my favorite too :)
  3. Nice post on that punkbuster coming BF3 thread :D

  4. yup, many people now getting this..... :S
  5. Same guy sharing his opinions in one other site too. I think surfy already told you guys :)
  6. Thats a procon plugin called country kicker. Admin(s) of this server just decided to denie players from US.
  7. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654489494744784/1/ Bugfixes: Fixed a problem with spawn timer now showing blue border on startup and lost spawn point Fixed a problem where player who joined queuing on End of round got spawn screen stuck on screen, but unable to do anything with it untill next round loaded Fixed a problem where camera would change to 3rd person on killcam when killcam was turned off in server settings Fixed stat references on several dogtags Fixed for surveillance ribbon not counting TUGS Fixed a missing combat area lines on the minimap for Grand Bazaar conquest small Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree Fixed a problem where placing C4 with the russians soldier was playing US faction VO Fixed a problem where TV guided missiles could be shot into its own helicopter and destroy it Fixed a problem when attempting to fire lock on weapons without a target Tweaked the chat, it should now be a bit easier to read Fixed several vehicles that did not properly shoot rockets and guns towards their predictive sights Fixed the G17 Supressed Laser not working properly Added alternate HUD colors to help colorblinds Added a network interpolation setting. This allows users with good bandwidth reduce latency, but might increase some stuttering. The user can find what works best for his connection by tweaking the slider. Increased the Spawn protection radius on TDM Fixed a problem with smoke on land vehicles, Missiles should now miss more often Fixed a problem where users could end up with IRNV scope in any vehicle Fixed a problem where player dies if vaulting over a ledge and into water while sprinting Fixed several crashes and increased general stability Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the bodies one over the other Fixed so you can assign an axis and use as a digital input. This makes it possible for the player (on pc) to assign one of the sticks on a gameped to be used for throttle/brake. Fixed a problem with the Kill camera acting up when suiciding from parachute Fixed air radar was showing to much. now lasertagged, heatsignature above threshold, enemy missiles and capture points are only visible on air radar Fixed a problem where the game would enter a technical hang if the user pressed pause menu and tilde at the same time Fixed a problem where you could get green flashes on screen You can now reassign cycle weapons Fixed so the weapon zooms automatically after bipod deploy is gone when using zoom toggle Fixed a problem where the parachute would stay stuck in air if the owner was killed Balance Tweaks: Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the minimap when fired. Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges. Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range. Reduced heat masking effectiveness of Spec Ops Camo. Fixed a bug where Ammo spec would give additional 40mm grenades instead of Frag spec. Increased the number of additional 40mm grenades from Frag spec. Fixed so AT mines only live for 20 seconds after a player dies to prevent infinite mines. (We want to make a different fix in the future, it
  8. Black SS is most likely due to DirectX 10 and 11 incompatibility.
  9. Tanks, it wasnt when i send that last post.
  10. So, now im not streaming admin anymore because hub is down? Thats bit harsh as i was trying to explore some SA forums, but not this time.... :blink:
  11. Ok, fair enoungh, it was something to do with my noobnes after all:rolleyes: Anyway Happy Xmas guys!
  12. So, is there something wrong with streaming as my account management panel shows this: Last Streamed December 23, 2010 at 12:00:07 pm It still says that streaming, but how could it be streaming as last stream is done like 6hours ago? Sorry if this has something to do with my noobness, but looks weird imo.
  13. What about those who already got it refunded/replaced? This gonna be interesting. If it comes back on track i have to say that thank god i wasnt one of those who got something back for their money <_<
  14. Imo its all about nice mix of good plugins, and put some carrot what ppl can chase :rolleyes: We have done that and i think we have quite decend amount of regulars. Just have to hope that things will keep rolling like that...
  15. Thank god it still was Trevor who answered to my support ticket today :lol:
  16. Oh, that was nice info :rolleyes: As im one of those (un)luckers who buyed APB in a first place... Just wondering how they will react when im gonna ask them to give MOH for meh :P
  17. Hmmm.... I reported couple of hacking sites with bc2 hacks directly to evenbalance via email and they were really grateful about the links and information what i send to them. They started to work with the hacks i pointed to them and now those hacks will get u busted. So maybe other guys want to do like i did and sent those hackersites directly to evenbalance.
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