PB works like this:
1. Player Hacking logs-On a Server Running PB..
2. Hack if detected is added to a suspicious list @ PunkBusters.
3. Player still plays ( 1st detection if detected by PunkBusters ).
4. Player leaves the server on his own.
5. Player Hacking logs-On a Server Running PB.. once again.
6. Hack if Detected is added to a suspicious list @ PunkBusters.
7. Player still plays ( 2nd detection by PunkBusters ).
8. Player leaves the server on his own.
9. Player Hacking logs-On a Server Running PB.. once again - BUT if the Hack has been added to PB violation listing, ( takes 3 detections to reduce false-positives ), THEN action Kick / Ban and violation number for type of Hack is loged.
seems like a lot... but Players should not be removed from a server unless detected 3 times, to reduce false positives.