Well that was quick. I didn't realise you consider yourself better than the 'lite' admins.
Me? I don't care particularly care if you are a 'full' admin or 'lite'. More people contributing to PBBans the better.
@OP: Not all 'full' admins have this kind of "I'm better than you attitude".
Is this where the 'View My Unofficial Bans' option comes into play on the Acc CP? If so, can you give us a practical example of how this all works? I'm having trouble getting my head around.
Edit* I see a new flag has been added as well - 'Enforce UMBi Bans'.
I checked your name against the MPI. You have a Global Ban. The only people who can help you now are EvenBalance directly. PBBans can't do anything.
Incorrect, player in question has a global ban, a new key will not solve his problems.
As I understand it Battlefield Premium is a one-time fee. And if you plan on buying all the DLCs anyway, it's a good deal. I can see myself playing BF3 a lot throughout this year and into next year. It's a no brainer for me to get it. Especially when I get a good discount if I was to buy each DLC separately. I've already sunk 400+ hours into BF3. I could easily sink some more in it. At least until Loadout/Warface/Planetside 2 get released.