Whoever was playing that character in the SP was a moronic idiot. Couldn't shoot for shit. And I didn't find it particularly interesting to be honest. I only care about MP, I haven't even played SP in BF3.
Wake me up when they show some MP footage.
And I'd hang fire on the pre-order. I managed to pre-order BF3: LE for £19.99. It'll happen this time round too or I'll just take a trip to India :D
Eh, I've never liked witch hunts. Yes she previously cheated, and was caught. And currently her account is clean, so there is no reason why she shouldn't be entitled to a DICE friends dog tag if DICE believe she earned it.
You set up using the RCON port (47400) and you add the game server to your AccCP using your GAME port (25400).
Hope that helps.
And actually, you are streaming as of now...
Check this IP and port:
Here you go.
On the left you have MarkC's tweaks. And on the right you have my registry settings exported...
There are two ways to change these values. Either through the mouse control panel applet or via the registry itself. No way in hell are EvenBalance going to start banning for mouse sensitivity. I'd bet a pack of cookies on it.
It's just a bunch of registry tweaks. Nothing is installed anywhere. I highly doubt EvenBalance is going to start banning for registry changes. Especially as everyone's registry is different.
Oh, I dunno about loving this game. It's inherently broken in places. So much work is still needed to improve it. But with the BF4 Alpha/Beta on the horizon, I don't expect any game-fixing patches.
Not had huge problems with hit detection. I get the occasionally problem, but not enough for me to really complain about.
I'm much more annoyed about hit detection being client-side than anything else - this is what causes those dying around corners problem.
It's worth mentioning that EA's password policy is absurd. You can't have any characters that aren't either a letter or digit. Not to mention that they truncate passwords to 16 characters. EA have to accept some blame for this.
I doubt that, as we are all now watching for any silent patches and what goes missing. If they remove anything, we'll know it was a likely suspect for classified material.