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Everything posted by Singh400

  1. No, I was just curious. Because the scanning process is entirely CPU bound you actually benefit from your OCed 750K (yours is faster than mine; Q9450 @ 3.6 GHz). And remember the scanning process only uses one less than your number of cores on your CPU. So it's actually only using three out of the possible four. Anyone got a 8-core CPU? I'm interested to see how quick scanning goes then!
  2. As expected, if it starts just eating up RAM while sitting idle then we have a problem.
  3. I typically peak at 600MB~ average usage is around 400MB~. A fresh download and scan will always yield higher memory usage because it'll download and scan all the PBSSs. Whereas a day-to-day scan will only download and scan the new PBSSs since last scan. In either case, that's what RAM is for right? ;) Unless the app starts eating RAM while it is sitting idle then it's not problem IMO. Edit* Forgot to mention that the JVM is a smart cookie, so if it notices something being used a lot, it'll cache it in the memory longer. Otherwise I'm confident that the JVM GC will do a good job.
  4. How many cores do you have on your CPU out of interest? Thanks!
  5. Download: http://ge.tt/73eEVKo1/v/0 v0.5 released:- PBSS Scanner now ships with 144 cheat colours by default - these are Battlefield centric cheat colours Manage Cheat Files now shows passive indicators as to whether a server streams. This does NOT query PBBans/GGC. If the text is red, it means it doesn't stream, if it green it means it does. If it is black then you need to perform a query by click on the "Check" button for the AC site in question Implemented a Mass Scan feature, select the path, and the colour list to use and then press Scan. Be warned that the current implementation will delete the original files Fixed a bug in Manage Flagged Files that prevented the file from being to the desktop You can now open the Manage Flagged Files window alongside the main application - suggested usage is to use Refresh and Delete All Flagged periodically. On anage Flagged Filesload it collects PBSSs currently in the directory. Then Delete All Flagged only deletes those files that were in the directory on load. Hitting Refresh will re-load the newer files into the window. This means you can download and scan, and viewing flagged files as it happens
  6. The current implementation of the Mass Scan feature will delete the original files once they have been scanned - so be warned.
  7. It's already in the next version mate as well as some other minor changes. I'll post it soon.
  8. I will not be hard coding colours. I do have a colour list that I complied for my personal use I may release it with the next version.
  9. The ACI administration felt that their forums were not an appropriate place to discuss my application. And that they couldn't devote any time/resources (the only thing I asked help for was an automated PBSS submission) to it as many of my PBSS Scanner features were duplicated in their own ACI PBSS Collector. Which is a shame because the whole point of an AC is to catch cheaters, and my PBSS Scanner was built around facilitating the process of catching cheaters. And of course the other point is that their ACI PBSS Collector is pretty old software and lacking in terms of optimization. My app will grab all information from GT. If it isn't there, it means it is a problem on GTs end. There might be a few edges cases were a server was just added to GT but wasn't updated. In that case, give it a few hours and re-fetch GT information. @Mods: Please do move this thread into a public section of the forums as per my request on page one. Thanks.
  10. Download: *OLD* v0.4 released: Re-worked cheat colour management as it wasn't intuitive Full support for PBBans and GGC stream checking (results are now cached so that either site isn't unnecessarily queried) Added Manage > Streaming Servers so that you can add servers that you know are and are not streaming to either PBBans and GCC (this list is always checked first before querying either site) Deprecated support for ACI Updated authentication algorithm
  11. Would a mod please move this topic to a sub-section available to the general public please? I'm thinking one of the sub-section under Community Lounge - maybe Community News? Thanks.
  12. The download process has always used 40 threads. It's sensitive to your internet connection. I've used up to 65 downloads threads when downloading from GameTracker. But I'm probably going to limit the maximum number of downloads threads to 40. The scanning process is entirely CPU bound, specifically the number of physical cores on your CPU. That isn't exposed to the end-user. But what it does, it gets the number of cores on your CPU and reduces that by one and returns that as the optimum number of scanning threads. So on mine, I have a 4 cores and scanning is done with 3 cores. If you happen to have a 8 core CPU then it'll use 7. I do not recommend that you run the application on a single core CPU. As it'll eat up your CPU. Edit* Also, if you guys have any suggestions please post them. I'm very open to feedback and improving the application.
  13. As well as supporting public FTP and HTTP paths, my app also supports FTPs which require usernames and passwords. Just ensure you add the custom path like this:- ftp://USERNAME:[email protected]/
  14. Also, "Global" doesn't mean all lists, just a name I gave colours that didn't have a list associated with them.
  15. I'll change the way it works in v0.4, I made the mistake of thinking end-users think like programmers :P
  16. The import colours will import all colours from the CSV, and any colour that doesn't have name of list, will be added to a "Global" list. Intended. You don't import colours to a list, you import colours overall. I'll make that clear next version. Are you sure? If you create a new List, add a new colour, exit and come back into the program it doens't save? I did test it before I released it, and I can't replicate any of these errors...
  17. DOWNLOAD: *OLD* v0.3 Released Folder structure is now /download/ - where the app downloads PBSSs to, /flagged/ - where the app copies flagged files to, /cheat/ - where the end user moves files after they've confirmed it is a cheat this is done via Manage Flagged Files Manage Flagged Files screen is now split into Manage Flagged and Cheat. Both now properly support up/down keys to quick viewly images. Pressing enter on the Manage Flagged Files will move that file to the /cheat/ dir. There is now a delete all option in Manage Flagged Files Managed Cheat Files now has active option to check whether that server streams to ACI/PBBans (I suggest you don't spam it) You can now do selected and all scans on both GT and Custom servers. You can also stop an all scan whether custom or GT by using the red cancel button on the main screen Different cheat colour lists are now supported You are able to select which cheat colour list you want to use when downloading and scanning You can now wipe GT game information for a game you don't want to download and scan anymore Added the ability to export/import custom servers Updated cheat colour import/export process Upgrade instructions Export your cheat colours.csv Replace both app.jar and PBSS.db with their newer versions (you have to replace both) - I won't debug errors if either file is not replaced and up to date Import cheat colours as normal Tip: Disable indexing for the PBSS Scanner directory. Windows will want to index every file, and with that much IO traffic it's going to waste CPU time.
  18. Strange, couple of members over at ACI having been using is constantly since I released it without problem. Windows x64? JRE8u5 x64?
  19. Download: *OLD* (can't edit the OP) Changelog:- Server names are now fetched as well Custom server support Flagged PBBS Viewer is integrated Export/Import cheat colours to easy upgrade from version of the PBSS Scanner Can now check whether a server is streaming to ACI/PBBans (but disabled for now) The "All" button now works for GT servers, not custom (it's coming) If you want to keep your existing cheat colours, then you can try (if you get errors, just okay them) replacing the app.jar first only, then going to Manage Cheat Colours and selecting Export Cheat Colours. Close the app. And then replace the PBSS.db file and follow the previous procedure but this time Import. I've had to change the underlying data structure. As long as you keep your cheat colours exported file updated, you'll be fine to upgrade to newer versions later on. For custom servers the path NEEDS to end in pbsvss.htm, as don't use too many downloads threads for custom servers. NFO hosted paths will just shut you down if you go above 10. The "Move" button is only intended to work for the Windows platform, specifically versions of Windows that use the C:\Users\<username>\Desktop format. As always feedback welcome.
  20. Quick instructions:- Start the app, by double clicking app ensure that the PBSS.db file is in the same directory Go to Manage > GameTracker Information, and then click Fetch Game IDs Give it a few seconds - depending on your internet connection After this is complete, select a game (I suggest BF3), then press Retrieve PBSS Paths Wait for a few minutes, again depending on your internet connection After it is done, click Done. Then Manage > Cheat Colours Add what you want, and click Done There should be whatever game you retrieved paths for in the drop-down. Select the game, then select a server IP. Click Selected in the Download and Scan section. Files are downloaded to /download/, suspected files are copied to /cheat/. Some notes; Application is built with concurrency, so PCs with more modern CPUs will fly. Scanning is physically limited to CPUs, at the moment, the app gets the total number of cores and minus one as the optimum number. After a file has been scanned, it will be zeroed to save space and ensure no duplicate downloads. The app will clean any GT-server that has over 3000 files in it, purely for maintenance. There is no inbuilt flagged PBSS viewer (yet). I suggest using IrfanView to easily view flagged PBSS. Application is built using Java 8, so you will need that installed to specifically JRE8 Update 5 upwards. JRE7 will not work. Well it might work partially, but I'm not supporting JRE7 only JRE8. Any and all feedback is welcome and encouraged. Doesn't matter what feedback - anything and everything! Custom server support is coming, so don't worry about it.
  21. As some of you may know, I developed my own PBSS Scanner and have been using it for a few months now (from early Jan 2014). Anyway, I am finally getting round to creating a UI for it - I've been using the command line version of it because it works as is. I'm looking for people to help me test the application and iron out any quirky bugs before I release it to the masses. It improves upon every aspect (especially speed) from the PBSS Collector. Cheers, Singh Download link in signature.
  22. Origin offers two-factor authentication now. I suggest you enable it.
  23. I think this was an extreme edge case, the sheer amount of bans that were rolling in meant that PBBans took pre-emptive action to temporarily lift those bans until EB confirmed their validity.
  24. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-lite-streaming-now-available-t161764.html
  25. So erm given the recent false postivie fiasco with BF3 and BF4 is PB still coming to Hardline?
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