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Everything posted by Singh400

  1. Anyone know if BF: Hardline is going to share PB_GUIDs like BF3 and BF4?
  2. http://www.ggc-stream.net/search/server/guid/gid/586be4bd Violation (MULTIHACK) #71287
  3. They don't hang around do they?
  4. Bumping this, now that college is winding down for the year. I am back to working on my little project. To answer your question mate, no - I don't believe so. As far as I can tell, there isn't a sure fire way to work out a valid PBSS path.
  5. :D My favourite pass time currently...
  6. Milking the cow...next stop, skinning the cow..!
  7. MSVCR100.dll is related to the C++ Redistributable Packages that run from 2005-2014. It is a pain in the ass, but make sure all of them are installed and up to date. Here is good list to start from.
  8. What language is this in?
  9. Specifically: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-list-bf4-44.html
  10. Article is from 2009, I doubt their network setup is the same... :\
  11. @Slayer: http://imgur.com/a/eBf3z ;) Already submitted on your behalf :D
  12. Well eventually both my tool and Jim's tool will be released for public consumption. Mine is ready to be released, but it lacks a UI. It's all command line based. I've automated everything I can. I don't see a point in adding in a UI just yet. No, my colour list is kept simple in a RGB format. I complied the list myself. The same colour list is used across BF3, BF4 and any other game I scan. You are right. At the moment, I've only detected a handful of cheaters on BF4. But I think that is down to PunkBuster not being able to defeat current PBSSes blockers. PBSS Collector is the old ancient software that AC.I now maintain. The reason I created/programmed my own application was to speed things up. I haven't used PBSS Collector in months, but I would imagine that you have move all those PBSSes you want to scan into its respective folder.
  13. It downloads all the PBSSes and then scans them for cheat colours. I have 92 cheat colours that I scan for. Works brilliantly. I've been submitting to all ACs where I can. All of them go onto my feed. And it's much much faster than any other tool I've used previously.
  14. In that case, I wouldn't worry about it. Both my tool (Java) and Jim's tool (C#) can scan PBSS on GT. If your server is on GT and has the PBSS mod enabled then I've scanned it... (click to make bigger)
  15. 46 BF4 servers?! Do you have a public PBSS path?
  16. Yet. Either way, it's more competition in the anti-cheat market. Happy days for consumers.
  17. I think FairFight is the death knell for EvenBalance.
  18. Absolutely, I could do with a little more C# exposure too.
  19. That would be me :) Mine is entirely written in Java, but is UI-less. I've been using it since 2014-01-09:- Agreed, the original tool was okay for when it was developed (2000?) but it badly needed updating, hence why I made my version in Java Fork it on GitHub maybe? Why is it semi-working? What's wrong with it? I would focus on the core functionality first,make sure that is solid and then go from there. The UI stuff can wait. You can always tack it on later. I'm good with C#, but better with Java.
  20. Yep, I'd love a public facing API too. Just querying only would be great, I manually check a lot of server IPs when submitting PBSSes. It would be great if I could automate checking those IPs. My other option is to create a local copy of streaming servers and query that, but it would need updating every so often.
  21. At the moment you can't. You need to be a Streaming Admin.
  22. ...didn't they only introduce this very recently?
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