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Everything posted by david2003
Most Graphic need to update the driver, Nvidia and Ati, launched an betas, especially for the bf4 Concerning the game leaves much to be desired compared with bf3, truth is, it is a beta hope the change regards
I play with Windows 8 from steam without error, can you try creating a Steam account and add the game to it, another option is to run in compatibility mode with windows 7 regards
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1h9J4b2VR0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1h9J4b2VR0 http://community.callofduty.com/community/call_of_duty/english/blog/2012/07/03/welcome-to-call-of-dutys-intel-section Q. What is Call of Duty™ Online? A. Call of Duty™ Online is a new free to play micro transaction game in development by Activision Publishing for release in China by Tencent. Activision is developing all of the content for the game. Tencent will be responsible for publishing, marketing, distribution and all operations related to running the game on their online platform. Q. What kind of game is Call of Duty Online? A. Call of Duty Online is a free to play micro transaction first person action game. Call of Duty Online will showcase the traditional features and play-modes of Call of Duty® with localized, unique content tailored to the needs and interest of gamers in China. Q. Who is developing Call of Duty Online? A. The talented development team at Activision Shanghai is working closely with Raven Software to develop Call of Duty Online for release in China. Q. When will Call of Duty Online be released? A. A launch date for release in China has not been announced yet. regards
I hope he comes with pb, or passed as to MW3, embarrassed and disgusted play with both cheater .... regards
PBBans einrichten
david2003 replied to Sunny2308's topic in Generelles Diskussions Forum (Öffentlich)
http://translate.google.es BY translator solved :D regards -
Everyone has the right to the protection of PBbans, If you look at most of the denials is member list, or web pages, The security system is maintained in a safe corner, giving you the option of keeping their Pbbans secure server, why deny it? PBBans is a community Anti-cheat, it does .... for comparison with GGC? , An independent community, which has nothing to do with PBbans, and the fight Cheater part, not about which is which, without entering into comparisons, each community on its website, and not let more fuel to the fire Respect is a right, not an option , is not it? PBbans always acted and has proven to be responsible, always protecting the innocent and punish the guilty .... Pbbans to always proved to be great, not by the amount of Ban, or Server, for being particularly safe No doubt in PBbans, and my support 100% I am proud, to transmit PBbans, who does not? For that deny protection to another admin? Sorry for my bad english regard.
I only play on servers PBBans protection, to Avoid These problems , If the server administrator wants to clean, you have to transmit the streaming No more excuses, PBBans Lite Streaming now Avaliable http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-lite-streaming-now-available-t161764.html/page__fromsearch__1 server clean of cheats regards
I do not tube problems to donate for Paypal no updates on the donation page , you can check on the receipt, of account regards
While this, That Ends Well, I Encourage everyone to help with the load Thanks PBBans for staying at the foot of the canyon, +1 donation to help load Regards......
All servers in the world should be Pbbans streaming, so these problems would have no regards
lol, bit low graphic quality? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guEkrrfDpZI&feature=player_detailpage Seriously, this is a video that was found in BTF4, but in reality it could be like a game realistic as Battle Trailer 4? , Who would not buy it? regards
If the kick is Violation ( MD5tool o' cvars scan of PBBANS), not is a kick is a prohibition Forever , which is reflected in the server as kicking, constantly repeated every time a player tries to enter a Server PBBANS PROTECTION , the question, if your signature is missing, possibly because it was captured on another Server regards
I think it's Cool So cheater Also removed shelters, and more servers protecion Have Against the Same today I played a while at (Play4Free) I come across a snoob with Aimbot spinning fast, firing a pistol, grabbing Spreen 6 and 7 kill, without aim and with very Many speed, killing all of a shot in the head no matter how far tubiera, and only dying while reloading public, Aimbot off, and one of the managers tell me, do not use traps is a member of the Clan, Lol, Obviously I Went Time to find a cheater not so blatant, Then I Remembered the http://www.pbbans.com/forums/quote-of-the-day-t37459.html/page__st__1260, very brave on servers,Then laugh at all, They mourn for to remove the ban ... .. them to leave the park or playing with bot List Example http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-overview-et-ov2.html Latest Ban And Latest Unofficial Ban 2 List regards
Streaming Questions
david2003 replied to lampy007's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
must first apply streaming ,once accepted the streaming, use the tool auto configuration , download and gets the files in the folder PB, step by step 1) http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html when accepted 2) http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html 3) http://www.pbbans.com/master-config-index.html 4) Edit pbsvlog.cfg (with your data you entered in the application) , and enter configuration files downloaded from 5) restore server or PB But first they must accept your application for streaming , but until you are not accepted may not access the area download of MD5 and Cvars greetings -
Bueno debes celeciona bien el juego , la IP y puerto Rcon , darle a añadir servidor , usa la herramienta de autoconfiguracion y recuerda meter el user y pass en la carpeta PB del nuevo servidor , en breve se revisaran si cumple los requisitos y se agregara o no a tu lista de servidores Saludos
Congratulations, agreat number for a Great Community This shows the Breakthrough of the fight against Pbbans trap, reinforced by attacks useless that lead to nothing, just shows how big it is, this community Thank you for supporting us when the others got back, Thanks for your great work against the trap, Thanks for so much effort and dedication to the fight against cheaters, keeping our servers clean and safe, thugs, cheater and hackers, Thanks for so much dedication, time and effort, always from the heart and without asking anything in return, always trying to help, Thanks for analyzing our videos, write the streaming, watching our catches, supporting attacks on you and your work, update tools and thousand things but, thanks PBbans Only regret not know English, and to write without fear of what the translator translate web , for that reason it also will put in my language, so that you may knowby translating Pbbans Thanks for the great work and efforts Greetings /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Esto demuestra , el Gran Avance de la lucha contra la trampa de Pbbans , reafirmada por ataques , inutiles que no llevan a nada , solo demuestra lo Grande que es , esta comunidad Gracias , por apoyarnos cuando los demas nos dieron la espalda , Gracias por vuestro Gran trabajo , contra los trampa , Gracias por tantos esfuerzos y dedicacion a la lucha contra los tramposos , manteniendo limpio nuestros servidores y seguros , de maleantes , cheater y hackers , Gracias por tanta dedicacion , tiempo y esfuerzo , siempre desde el corazon y sin pedir nada a cambio , siempre intentando Ayudar , Gracias por analizar nuestro videos , danos los Streaming , mirando nuestras capturas , soportando ataques contra vosotros y vuestro trabajo, actualizar las herramientas y mil cosas mas , Gracias PBbans Solo Lamento no Saber ingles , y poder escribir , sin miedo a lo que traducira el traductor web , por esa razon lo pondre tambien en mi lenguaje , para que al traducir sepais lo que quiero decir Saludos
nextcastchange Replace folder backup bp, downloaded and replaced by pbsv.cfg of pbbans pbsv.cfg, using web configuration tool Pbban, union flowat the endof 2, pbsv.cfg ;PBUCONSettings/ Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit8 pb_sv_ucontimeout300 pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate16 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd1"* ip*" "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd1 "* ip*""pbbhub1-2""pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd1 "* ip*""pbbhub1-3""pbbanshub" pb_sv_USessionLimit9 pb_sv_ProtectTagaGGC pb_sv_uconadd1 *ip*ip*ggc_*et pb_sv_uconadd1 *ip*ip*ggc_*et pb_sv_uconadd1 *ip*ip*ggc_*et pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_uconignore"quit" pb_sv_uconignore"pb_sv_md5toolfreq" pb_sv_uconignore"pb_sv_guidrelax" this is correct? Greetings and Thanks
last weekwe were attacked bya hack, and the CPU where the was Hosts infected with a virus,we lost every thing, and had to reinstall the S.O and ET now thate have recovered almost normal,No messages work Pbbans, Completely replaced the PB folder, by the previous backup pb_sv_restart pb_sv_load but the error persists This affects the transmission? As I can solve? Greetings and Thanks
For that the cheat do not appear to capture yourselves in my signature? There is a little evil formed for my part? http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-unofficial-ban-6986.html http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-unofficial-ban-7013.html Like, can I know who I capture, without having to search in the PB log? Is it possible to activate somehow? Regards and Graces
Basándome en los archivos y datos descargados de la carpeta PB , de la web de Pedro-NF , e modificado un archivo (pbcl.db) este archivo dentro de la carpeta PB hace que se actualice el PB desde el servidor , Esta permitido modificar este archivo? o' esta prohibicion? Puedo distribuirlo como solucion para el problema de las patadas PB por no estar actualizado? Hay alguna forma de hacer que se descargue automaticamente desde nuestro serviodres? Porfavor espero vuestra respuesta Para descargarlo http://www.elenemyterritory.es/servidor/pb/pbcl.rar Saludos y Gracias Based on data downloaded files and the folder PB, the web of Pedro-NF, and modified a file (pbcl.db) this file into the folder makes PB PB is updated from the server, This allowed to modify this file? orthis prohibition? I can distribute it as a solution to the problem of PB kicked for not being updated? Is there any way to be downloaded automatically from our serviodres? Please wait your answer to download http://www.elenemyterritory.es/servidor/pb/pbcl.rar Test 2 Test 1 Greetings and Thanks
Hello, my question is this, can introduce some files on our servers, for when connecting players, upgrade your version of PB to the most recent, and if you don't have, create your etkeyt? , without being kicked from the server? Greetings and thanks ¿Hola, mi pregunta es la siguiente, hay algun archivo que se pueda introducir en nuestros servidores, para cuando se conecten los jugadores , actualizar su versión de PB al más reciente , y si no tienen cree un etkey sin ser pateado del servidor? Saludos y gracias
Update, PB from game server?
david2003 replied to david2003's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
There is way for when a player is connected, updated his PB from our server, avoiding the kick? The game is Enemy Territory Greetings and thanks -
Hello, there is no option, so that the visitors can update your PB, from our servers without being kicked? Game Enemy Territory Best regards
Problem with MD5tool
david2003 replied to david2003's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Good, already this it solved the problem, was the codigo that created, already this brought up to date and functions well Greetings