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published in 2 languages by bad if the translated google Hi, look I have a problem when creating patches with md5 Take advantage of that Submit cheat pack in the mailbox, and review the pack to add to the review of Md5tool, as some were not, and I think a code, which will add the termination SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND files Created pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "eth32_st.pk3" AT0 LEN0 SZ5845918 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "eth32.ini" SZ19 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32_st.pk3" AT0 LEN0 SZ5845918 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32.ini" SZ19 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418.ini" SZ6014 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418_default.cfg" AT0 LEN0 SZ15683 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND error [24/02/2012 6:54:31] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) # 9002: etplayer (slot # 1) MD5Tool Mismatch: etmain/eth32_st.pk3 (len = 2048) [c2770f30d1595447012489ef98046873 (?)] despite not having any of it installed, because the kick? the errors can be resolved by removing the code and introducing these scans like the others? pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32.ini" NOT_FOUND LEN32 SZ0 AT4096 pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418.ini" NOT_FOUND LEN32 SZ0 AT4096 pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418_default.cfg" NOT_FOUND LEN32 SZ0 AT4096 Or this would be useless without scanning the code described by md5tool? I hope I can help regards and thanks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Problema con MD5tool Buenas , miren tengo un problema a la hora de crear revisiones con la md5 , Aproveche de los pack de cheat que entrege en el buzon, y revise los pack para sumarlos a la revision del Md5tool , ya que algunos no estaban, Archivos creados pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "eth32_st.pk3" SZ5845918 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "eth32.ini" SZ19 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32_st.pk3" SZ5845918 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32.ini" SZ19 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418.ini" SZ6014 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418_default.cfg" SZ15683 AT0 LEN0 be5aa15ebea0c46d617e34ad1c0922d9 SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND Error [02.24.2012 06:54:31] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: etplayer (slot #1) MD5Tool Mismatch: etmain/eth32_st.pk3 (len=2048) [c2770f30d1595447012489ef98046873(?)] pese a no tener nada de eso instalado , porque el pateo ? se puede resolver el erro quitando el codigo y introduciendo esos escaneos como los demas? pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/eth32.ini" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418.ini" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "etmain/etBot_v418_default.cfg" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND O este escaneo seria inutil sin el codigo descrito por la md5tool? espero me puedan Ayudar Saludos y Gracias
Shameful is that you exist people with that kind of thinking, I think Pbbans to doing the right thing because you can not punish the guilty innocent, I think that if it should punish and prohibit pienzan people like you, it is cheats server to keep clean and unwanted people, not to ban innocent people, and if there is any doubt, it is better to lift the ban till be safe, because behind those cartoons that you see and play some people, like you and I, with feelings, which should be treated with respect, and if you do not know respect, it is best to play with robot or out of network IN SUMMARY What is really shameful to see such job post regards Vergonzoso es que existas personas con ese tipo de pensamiento , creo que Pbbans a hecho lo correcto , pues no se puede castigar a inocentes por culpables , creo que lo que si deberia es castigar y prohibir a las personas que pienzan como ustedes , se trata de mantener limpio servidores de tramposos y gente indeseada , no de prohibir a personas inocente, y si cabe alguna duda, es mejor levantar la prohibicion asta estar seguro, pues detras de esos muñequitos que ustedes ven y juegan hay personas , como tu y como Yo , con sentimientos , a las que se debe tratar con respeto , y si usted no sabe respetarla, lo mejor que juegue con robot o fuera de Red RESUMIENDO Lo que si es vergonzoso es ver publicasiones de este tipo Saludos
According to that picture you have connection problems, verify that the router ports are open, if anything different would require the update of PB, you should download from http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/wolfenstein-windows-file75.html regards Segun esa imagen usted tiene problema de conexion, verifique que los puertos del router estan abiertos , cosa diferente seria si requiriera la actualizacion de PB , que deberia bajar desde http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/wolfenstein-windows-file75.html Saludos
Well we have 53 maps in rotation and without problem, the problem that might hang some well-specified map is not the name, plenty of space between the map and load following rotasion ..... Solution to create rotation, open the map with a decompressor winRar copy the folder name in the following map expanse, (adlernest_desert.bsp), removing the expanse (. Bsp) set d11 "set g_gametype 2 ; map adlernest_desert ; set nextmap vstr d12" Once loaded the rotation set and prove that the maps run well, passing them one to one regards
Duda sobre cargar archivo de lista ET
david2003 replied to david2003's topic in Dudas y Preguntas (Q&A)
ok, thanks for All, paragraph publish advantage in ex parte in English for what it'sHelp Other General Member Greetings and Thanks a well, si pero mi opcion 1 carga una copia de seguridad que no lista nuestros servidores , y queria publicarlo en nuestra web para los visitantes en general puedan listar todos los servidores incluso los nuestros , de hay la pregunta , pero como comentas no hay temor provare Gracias por la rapida respùesta Pd/ lo pongo en multi idioma para que sirva este tema a otros administradores asin como visitantes , para aclarar esta duda Saludos y Gracias ifoption 1but myload abackup thatdoes not listour servers,and wanted topost it onour sitefor visitorsin general canlist allserversincludingours,there isthe question, butthere is no fearascometsPleaseprovarethe rapid response Pd/it mymultilanguageto servethis topicto other administratorsasinas visitors,to clarifythis doubt Greetings andThanks -
Hello I would like to ask a question, the list of ET servers takes a week to repair fallenundated, searching the web I found this solution, which requires the installation of the client files of ET, ET.exe an executable on my doubt, the MD5 detect it as cheat? , Or could play without problems The web is this http://etmaster.net/ Greetings and Thanks
Hola me gustaria preguntar una cuestion, el listado de servidores del ET, lleva varias una semana caido sin fecha de reparacion , buscando en la web encontre esta solucion , que requiere de la instalacion de archivos por el cliente del ET , mi duda, el MD5 lo detectaria como cheat? , o podrian jugar sin problemas La web es esta http://etmaster.net/ Saludos y Gracias
Thanks, will try to be, help
Si te explico , yo varias veces a la semana tengo varias horas Libres, entonces e pensado que podria aprobechar para buscar paginas de tramposos para vuestros escaneo y asin poder contribuir con algo al gran trabajo que haceis , Existe alguna lista o os vienen bien todas? Un saludo y Gracias
Pues si ya se acepto creo , si me pudieras decir que tipo de formato debe tener, te lo agradeceria , ademas me gustaria saber, como os podemos Ayudar, para esta Gran labor que llebais haciendo desde hace tantos Años , creo haber visto un apartado para buscar paginas o programas de tramposos eso se os manda la pagina web,el programa para que vosotros lo comprobeis o como seria? , por que si entre todos ponemos nuestro Granito de arena, todo seria mas facil para eliminar a los tramposos Saludos y Gracias
Hola , me gustaria saber donde puedo enviaros una demo de jugador para saber si usa cheat para analizar , y cual es el tipo de formato que debe tener Un saludo Y Gracias
Help please Streaming Game Admin
david2003 replied to david2003's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I am not allowed to publish the message Quote Topic Title: xxxx Rep Game: xxx Clantag;xxx or send the private pleaseif you could confirm delivery of the message you send, and ifI failto, give meanother way to deliverthe, data soI'd appreciate others did all the steps Greetings and Thanks -
Help please Streaming Game Admin
david2003 replied to david2003's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Thank you so much and deliver the application and use this tool for the server Using Automated Streaming Setup Tool 1 Some games use separate ports for RCON such as Battlefield. You must use the RCON port to setup the server however you must use the game port when adding to PBBans. For example, Battlefield Bad Company 2 uses a default game port of 19567 while it uses a default RCON port of 48888. In this case you would use 48888 for our Automated Streaming Setup tool but use 19567 when adding your server to your account. If you use the RCON port to add a server on PBBans it will not stream. NOTE: If you have uploaded a custom PB config file (pbsv.cfg) and do not wish for PB to overwrite it, uncheck the Write Config checkbox before pressing Perform Setup. This is useful to troubleshoot streaming without committing any changes. If your server will not stream please refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this guide. Greetings and Thanks -
Help please Streaming Game Admin
david2003 posted a topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I put this content in another post, but I think it goes in this place, the problem I want to download a file to use md5 and get this error I quote what I put in another post, and please tell me if this well in this place, and that proffers do to remove RESTRICTIONS Greetings and Thanks and I would like to know how I can run on our server the md5, it restricts me asceso to download, and I would like to know how you could access this ... Master Config Index - CVAR & MD5 Overview You currently do not have access to this area You must be logged into our forums and have a forum status of Streaming Game Admin status or higher If you have just started or resumed streaming your forum status will be automaticly updated within the next few hours.