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Kunoichia last won the day on March 8 2012

Kunoichia had the most liked content!

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    Battlefield 3
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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Sup rude boi?

    1. Kunoichia


      Come here, rude boy, boy; can you get it up?

      Come here rude boy, boy; is you big enough?

  2. You should apply to get our new server streaming here brosef stalin.

  3. Look at you. You sexy bastard.

    1. Kunoichia


      Cant touch this...taaa nununuuuuu

  4. no

    1. LtMatt


      That's not what you said last night as i wore that little slinky number.

  5. Thats almost as bad taste as Im not the one to talk though. I smoke Marlboro Lights for about 13 years now. Like the taste.
  6. Ill add u onto my list straightaway! Thanks for the info.
  7. If only I could say that was true..
  8. I drink to much coke. And tbh the taste is the same. Beer i wouldnt buy el cheapo.
  9. Old pics 2 lazy to make new.
  10. I just hope balanced will be kept. A tank is a tank. Shouldnt be to easy to kill for infantry.
  11. I stilll drive up in full speed to get a sneaky shot up there rears though. Works wonders especially when u play bait. :party0049:
  12. no more tankwhoring for us then matt :(
  13. Started of pure as a medic. None of those sick stats of yours since I stopped trying to revive people 6times before they go up, just my squadmates or randoms when theres no chance of dying. Adressed in the next patch so should be solved. *As a medic M16A3 all the way for me with nades perk, expl when i go M320 to annoy campers. Lately getting into engineer since im a Chopper/Tankwhore but sadly even on a server with TS u dont always get repaired. *As engi M4a1/jav/expl perk Buttscratcher (how charming), Matt just kicking some life into a dead mule (if that doesnt make sense, blame translating)
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