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Everything posted by Kunoichia

  1. no

    1. LtMatt


      That's not what you said last night as i wore that little slinky number.

  2. Thats almost as bad taste as Im not the one to talk though. I smoke Marlboro Lights for about 13 years now. Like the taste.
  3. Ill add u onto my list straightaway! Thanks for the info.
  4. If only I could say that was true..
  5. I drink to much coke. And tbh the taste is the same. Beer i wouldnt buy el cheapo.
  6. Old pics 2 lazy to make new.
  7. I just hope balanced will be kept. A tank is a tank. Shouldnt be to easy to kill for infantry.
  8. I stilll drive up in full speed to get a sneaky shot up there rears though. Works wonders especially when u play bait. :party0049:
  9. no more tankwhoring for us then matt :(
  10. Started of pure as a medic. None of those sick stats of yours since I stopped trying to revive people 6times before they go up, just my squadmates or randoms when theres no chance of dying. Adressed in the next patch so should be solved. *As a medic M16A3 all the way for me with nades perk, expl when i go M320 to annoy campers. Lately getting into engineer since im a Chopper/Tankwhore but sadly even on a server with TS u dont always get repaired. *As engi M4a1/jav/expl perk Buttscratcher (how charming), Matt just kicking some life into a dead mule (if that doesnt make sense, blame translating)
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