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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. GPU was idling at 36°C never got a BSOD it was more a black screen here is the exact image but not from my machine http://techontip.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/101911_2037_windowsfail11.png im already RMA my ssd as i found 50 bad sectors on it, currently running on my old 320 SATA drive with currently no issues yet time will tell
  2. anyone has a clue on what could cause this. all i can fin online is overheating CPU. which is not possible when my CPU is running at 19 degrees c. i have been getting this now since i had to reinstall my OS due to it getting really laggy. i thought it was my ssd but it does it when i use another hdd. also when i am able to load with the other hdd it gets to the login screen and it just freezes. i have run hdd regen and haven't found any bad sectors so its not that. other things i have done. Reseeded the ram, vid card, cpu with new thermal paste, tested the psu, and only used the main hdd when installing the os. I'm at a lost here as i have run out of ideas to test. nothing has changed other than i started to reinstall.
  3. read the fine print "while supplies last"
  4. if they think your cheating then why not get a demo and submit it
  5. but he can still post it for review in the forums
  6. i would sujest you show him then, send him the link to this topic and ahsow hime that not only did another server owner say it was normal but a staff member said it too and if he doesnt blevie you have him submit the pbss for review and let everyone else take a crack at it
  7. one pbss does not clear you totally. there could be a shot that the admin looked at that he assumed was a cheat. this one pbss might not be the shot he was looking at. i know for fact i banned a guy thought he was hacking then later looked at the same pbss and found it to be a turn wheel on scrapmetal. i would contact them and ask why, and if they say they have pbss ask for them to show you, if indeed its the same as the one above then send them to this post. the staff here will explain it to them how its not a cheat
  8. i dont see anything other than normal, however its up to you to contact the server owner as this is a local ban and pbbans cant tell and admin who they can or cant ban on the server owners server. as a server owner we have the right to ban any player for any reason without cause or proof. some do it just because they get killed by other some do it out of fun. most see something or suspect something and issue a ban then later either find out they where justified or other cant find anything and either unban the player or leave them banned.
  9. god help you on that one (mal is a great guy :crazy: :banghead: )
  10. if you set it up correcly it will be fine
  11. cleaning hell tomarrow im on vacaction and head to florida
  12. maybe they excedded there limit to reciev for the month, i know i have a limit of 900 per month on mine with all the donations might have exceeded that
  13. ok thanks of the info
  14. ok but that would give mne the same EA guid but i thought that a different game would give you a different PB guid sice they are truely a different game. must be wrong on that
  15. i have searched for my guid and found it interesting that my MOHW Guid and my BF3 guid are one in the same MOHW GUID link: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/mpi-guid-search-02f4c145-42.html&showLG=no&showAT=no&safeview=no BF3 GUID link: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/mpi-guid-search-02f4c145-41.html&showLG=no&showAT=no&safeview=no just wondering why this is as they are different games and i would assume they would have different GUID's
  16. the onlty thing i can suggest is keep checking your screenshots and wait and see if they get violation triggered
  17. i had to wait till 6 this morning keep telling me wasnt avalible
  18. the 3am is PST not EST so it would be right
  19. wow i still paid less than that i only paid $7 off ebay for a new version still working strong
  20. to many hacks for it already
  21. looking at the 240gb to 300gb range of ssds
  22. OK im looking at buying an ssd i was looking at some and have read alot of reviews my only delema is should i stick with a sata ii or take the leap to sata iii. price does come into play as i only have about 500 to spend on the upgrades and with the new CPU, 2tb sata im close to my budget without the ssd. anyone have a good recommendations as im gonna be buying it off newegg looking a crucial or Kingston found a Samsung drive that has great reviews but would put me over budge by 20 which i might be able to swing. guys i game with have said to go with an ocz drive but all i can find on them is they fail really easy and there cheap as hell
  23. yea i caught that but didnt say anything thought the staff would see that
  24. well i did for him then
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