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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. did you try and submit it if not try and if you did they might not have the logs to verify it
  2. those would be great ones to submit if they where supported but either way nice catch
  3. is that from java-DOD- looks like his? heres the link to there forums keep strolling and you will see all the pics http://www.demonsofdeath.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1474
  4. if you want to see a nice one look up java from dod on battlelog he has the one he just build with a link to his forums to view it
  5. all stream is down for all games as far as i know the staff will update when streaming is back up
  6. Jan 21th, 2013 Streaming is offline as all 3 hub ip's are being attacked.
  7. that wont stop them from buying it online if thay want to
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/ddos-reports-t144497.html read first post and last post(s)
  9. did you restart pb after this?
  10. well from what i can see that guid that yoo listed was fist seen in 2010 under the name 0uT+2rAgEd. from new zealand, then was last seen on the 13th this year under Its acemanveryspecial from australia. as fro your ban sounds like a local ban would have to take that up with the server admin(s) here is a list of the rest of the names that show up acemanveryspecial Cosm0.inF derp acemanveryspecial e. acemanveryspecial HerpDerpHurp He|i-cHoPta Its acemanveryspecial Kalliades~Alone~Time siX*$iX_1 thats akll i can find maybe a staff can find more
  11. yea i watched most of the ones on his site the best one in my opinion was the OP its the one i laughed at the most
  12. i cant stop laughing, wow, the last part was the best a Must watch
  13. the oil settup im talking about they take and instead of a case its and aquerium they build the pc in, after its all in there they start it up and start to por this oil init full imursing the componete in this oil. hers the site http://www.pugetsystems.com/submerged.php heres the video
  14. pipes1

    This Is True

    yea i remember being able to go outside and play in the yard and knew everyone who drove by, walked to the store at 8 yrs old by my self for candy and then walk back. now i wont let my kids out of site in fear of someone comming by and taking them. (however the dog would have something different to say about that) times have changed and not for the better
  15. if your gonna stay with liquid cooling try mineral oil they show people using it in an aquarium style setup.
  16. thats a good question cuz i dont remember half of it
  17. see you all in the "new" year
  18. needed the laugh thank you
  19. wow they need to grow up
  20. ill bring fishhhhhhhhhhh
  21. hey fish, PM me your ingame user name and ill see what i see on my end. also if its a local ban there is nothing any AC can do as its up to the server owners who they do or do not ban on THERE server. they have a right to ban anyone at any time for any rerason. and if they dont want to they wont unban them. i was banned yesturday for using a carbine gun wasnt in the rules on there server but i was banned for so you see i want liked so i recieved a ban. some SO are just lack some things hope all is well but will see
  22. finally after waiting 5 -6 years we finally had a white christmas again
  23. everyone keep safe this season and come back after the holidays, also be thankful for what you have as we all know there are some along the east coast and some in CT that have lost alot this year. remember that in this world we never know what awaits us around that next corner!!!
  24. death toll is now at 32 dead 5 still critical in the HP
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