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Everything posted by SOC_JO

  1. Merry Christmas to all Special Thanks to pbbans for the great work y'all do for the community!
  2. BTW now if you can change your name with that and score points on that separate other account that would be interesting to see.
  3. Although you want staff confirmation it's not needed in this case. There is no such thing as banned by name here. Player that may "spoof" your name will receive ban on his account regardless of name leaving your account with same name free to play. So if you or anyone had ideas of getting others banned by name it will not work. The end
  4. Does seem oddly low for this day and age of MP. To be fair I have to think their approach is a unique experience unmatched by any other current game. I did not know that unmanned "TITANS" turned into AI's instead of dead equipment like a tank in bf series. Large player counts would render most Titan AI's (stupid) useless and sitting ducks. With that in mind you can have 12 players and 12 Titans @ war = 24players (my guess is it will turn into a titan war 6vs6). They should be able to up player count if needed. Hopefully they will offer a beta to get a feel for it they may be right. I could envision around 12vs12 with 12 titans as it would open the door to guest joining servers instead of just a group of clan mates looking to kick some titan ases. It looks to be set up as a large co-op which can be lots more fun than 2 player co-ops. Almost like back in the day where there could be humans vs AI matches. Still curious and interested...
  5. Happy New Year be safe
  6. There are several JS vulnerabilities at the site mentioned above. Its code links to a German site that has been know to deliver JS/Kryptik.AOG Trojan at some point in time. It would be wise to avoid extremeeagles website until the situation is remedied, especially if you have JS enabled.
  7. You could get his address, then go over to his house and break his pc into a million pieces. Then say How you like me now you cheating b*&^). Then place a "PBBANS was here" sticker on his desk. Bet that will make him think twice before cheating again!
  8. Thanks... Seasons Greetings to all especially staff for their continued tireless volunteer work behind the scenes. Be Happy Be Safe
  9. Come on Mayjay all cheats are created with legit tech tools. Using these multipurpose tools with selfish bad intentions is nothing new. If you think your "alleged" cheat argument is valid then it sounds like some rookie decides to code his own cheat program, joins a server and finds out 2 or 3 mins into game it doesn't work. Then he gets banned by EB for gamehack, gets his panties in a wad files an appeal stating he never cheated in bf4! It never worked so how can you say I cheated. As it stands now, if it walks and talks like a duck.....doesn't matter you better be able to prove that is really a dog in the park or in the very least a dog and duck walk and talk the same. Unless something new pops up its a pretty dead issue
  10. wow some impressive sheet. Hope you wont need to sli titans just to get 30fps. SnowDrop 2020 get your behind the head matrix connection for gaming reality!
  11. I would suggest getting PBSS from server. If he is using a visual aid without a blocker you should be able to catch him. You should have SS set to auto already and you can take on demand SS while spectating when you know he is looking at players in the distance.
  12. aren't you happy you went with Norton because of the sale price lol. Too bad Kaspersky awesome score was on XP but perfect is rare props to them.
  13. huh? huh? The last video on this TitanFall's thread makes mention of content lock 3 months before its due to release. This is even before they consider running public beta before release. If you watch the video it was not said as a pitch but in relation to a question about adding more to the game (can we expect to see x or xx) No we are under a content lock. EA/Dice was mentioned because there was an email conversation with a dev posted that involved an excuse that they were rushed by EA and they QA tested game but didn't have time to retest many things because changes were made late in the game which left many bugs. I remember Jason West battled Activision about removing dedicated servers for MW. It appears that is what cost him his job along with others. Even though he has removed himself from titanfalls I believe the rest of the team will shine and flip Activsion a bird and show them how it should be done. Well hoping that is how it goes down...
  14. Smartest thing I heard in a long time. "WE ARE NOW UNDER A CONTENT LOCK" - 3 months out they are working on balancing and making sure game works WELL! Unlike Dice excuse of well we QA tested game but then they make a change and we don't have enough time to retest everything lol BS. This game should be a success with a solid WORKING release despite EA's involvement lol. Surely EA will find a way to jack this up over the future years.
  15. Somebody will figure it out but so far the information you posted is not accurate. Try links to your battlelog.battlefield account it will include your game name. A screen shot of your kick violation wouldn't hurt either. Your forum name, guid and violation # do not relate to each other. If you want help drop the cloak and dagger by providing as much accurate real information.
  16. Same logic is when a server owner downloads a hack to use on non-punkbuster enabled servers to train their admins on cheats. Then goes to play on a punkbuster enabled server without cheats enabled but gets banned anyways. Claims never used the cheat officially only for training. Regardless of motive logic is defeated and the risk of such a program was getting banned. Want to use a program that can be used to alter any games function places you on a short list of high risk to be banned. Seems clear the pattern of what has been going on with 81518 and reaffirm support for EB in maintaining this violation.
  17. Hmmm CE can hook into any process and alter/edit memory functions I certainly feel better about these bans. None of this is required to play bf4 or any other game for that matter and would consider it a joke to let such activity continue. It seems clear EB has done the right thing... Next... LOL yeah like mentioned above - If you have cheat engine loaded into memory hooked into any process while you try and play will get you banned LOL - genius idea
  18. Let's say you carry a gun into a gas station and rob them. The next day you walk into a bank to deposit your spoils and they detect your gun. This automatically locks you out and you ask them why? They tell you that they found you have a gun and are banned from entering. You respond with I wasn't going to use the gun to rob you I only use that to rob gas stations. Use the same link in your post and click on "APPEAL This Ban"
  19. Not always the case. Detection was triggered for something that performs like cheats. Think of it like a highway. If a cheat is known to routinely travel down route 66 anything using that highway will get stopped by the police and arrested. Now if someone builds a bus and takes 25 school children down route 66 you already know what is going to happen. The next day you will be arraigned and judge will see just cause and deny your appeal ie you were traveling down route 66. This is always how it seems to start. When the judge sees an abnormal amount of appeals he calls for an investigation in which your case EB must try and figure out what people were using to get on route 66. This is a process that can take hours or days depending on the feed back they get in the appeal tickets. Like all I did was download such and such now I am banned (they see more than we will ever know). Keep in mind its also the weekend and can only imagine the staffing is different than mid-week. Only EB knows if ban is going to stay or be removed but if it is removed it matters not what was said to some already. Just have to wait and see if they find a common thread and a legit program that is triggering a detection.
  20. Certainly one can empathize with any false positive ban triggered. In retrospect its not that EB is failing but rather there are many new features with bf4, hardware, drivers, etc.. it would be no different than your antivirus blocking a legit new program because its acting like a virus. It gets submitted (appealed) checked out and whitelisted if source/program is legit. It doesn't mean you never run antivirus software. There is a process and EB typically corrects any false positive within a few days after further testing. One thing is certain the best way to use a cheat program is to make it appear the function is legit so on occasion false positives can happen. Looking forward to any response from EB on this latest ban wave. We can all be happy that over the years they removed some 300,000 cheaters that destroy our games.
  21. It may seem daunting but after a few days of looking your eye will become accustom to catching details in SS. 2500 normally takes about 15-20min depending on pausing for extra attention to some questionable SS. It may not be the fastest but its the best way (having a human view SS/there is a quicker way just not a fan). It also helps some become better admins knowing how to catch what cheaters see.
  22. LOL cute video! It may very well be netcode but I find it interesting that eG-Diggzi takes fire for 5 seconds and does nothing more than go prone for a second. While under constant fire he never aims or attempts to return fire and just runs 20m-25m up to him, stops and tries to knife him. Then @ 26s you see a tracer go into his back no damage followed by an RPG on blast on doorway wall @27s and again he takes no damage (I don't believe it was a friendly rpg either). Wonder if the mumbling about health hacks is true hmm
  23. shocked there is nothing in the msds about the micro gps tracking chips that connects to your smart phone to send data...
  24. "So each year, we’ve made it a goal to keep improving the speed of our performance" because it has been that bad. users will see a difference those not subject to Norton will feel like a set back. "Based on recent testing, compared with last year’s releases" because it has been that bad they compare it to itself. users will notice a difference others trying Norton will feel like its a set back. Guess eventually they will catch up but who are you kidding the dev*l you know is better than the angel that's a stranger you wont try anything else just buy it for $15 that's cheap
  25. Paid for = Best 2013 detection Bit Defender but haven't been a fan of past UI. Newer editions seem to be improving that aspect. You wont go wrong with these in no particular order. 1- Kaspersky 2- AVG 3- ESET NOD 32 Personally I like free Comodo not on your list (same as paid but without $500 virus free guarantee). Comes with virtual kiosk (like VMware), sandbox (like sandboxie), Kill Switch (like process explorer) with antivirus, hips and firewall. I think they have an excellent firewall and hips takes care of most things where AV hardly ever goes off. Cleaning is pretty much done by HitManPro and Malwarebytes so they are good at removing stuff not sure on protection guess it would be excellent also. So ADD Comodo lol its worth a try and its free...
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