I am looking for enthusiastic FPS gamers to join my administration team for my small but growing gaming community. Currently I provide an Arma 3 server and a battlefield 4 server, have a website and teamspeak3. The site is connected to social networking platform groups and pages i.e. Facebook,Steam,google+,youtube and twitter and I would like help maintaining these areas. It is my belief that I have a duty of care to all legitimate gamers, like our members, and I provide secure and hacker safe environments to play in. To achieve this I have implemented state of the art anti-cheat systems on my Battlefield4 server and Arma3 server. I have teamed up with PBBans, ACI and GGC using their live streaming facilities to cross match known and suspected cheats using their powerful database tools meaning that most cheaters do not even get to enter the server I am happy to mentor those who would like to learn all of the aspects of being a gaming community administrator. Current positions include. Recruitment officer. Server admin. Social networking admin. If you are interested please email me at
[email protected] or connect to my teamspeak server with ip I look forward to speaking to you. CC Homepage